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‘Accessibility at the Edge’ W3C CG Is an Overlay Smoke Screen
‘Accessibility at the Edge’ W3C CG Is an Overlay Smoke Screen
Another post where I lay it all out in the title. What follows is why I am making this assertion (with a handy table of contents). Timeline 26 May 2022 at 10:58am ET 26 May 2022 at 7:56pm ET 27 May 2022 at 7:38pm ET 28 May 2022 at 5:04pm…
‘Accessibility at the Edge’ W3C CG Is an Overlay Smoke Screen
Some of the components I've explored here have specific standardized requirements in order to work as expected. Tab interfaces, for example, have a prescribed structure and a set of interaction behaviors as mandated by the WAI-ARIA specification. It's at your discretion how closely you follow these requirements. Research may show
Global Law and Policy
Global Law and Policy
The legal framework gives us permission to dream what is possible. Lizzie Kiama (Kenya) at Microsoft Ability Summit 2021 Welcome to LFLegal's Digital Accessibility Global Law and Policy page. The content of this page illustrates two things I often say: Accessibility is global The global acc
Global Law and Policy
Maybe You Don’t Need a Date Picker
Maybe You Don’t Need a Date Picker
Calendar controls, date pickers, date widgets, whatever you call them, however they are described, they follow the same basic principle — present the user with a calendar to enter a date (and sometimes a time). Chris Blakeley, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 The native implementations come from browsers when authors use input…
Maybe You Don’t Need a Date Picker
Web Accessibility Cookbook
Web Accessibility Cookbook
Frontend developers have to consider many things: browser compatibility, usability, performance, scalability, SEO, and other best practices. But the most fundamental aspect of creating websites is one that often falls … - Selection from Web Accessibility Cookbook [Book]
Web Accessibility Cookbook
Don’t Override Screen Reader Pronunciation
Don’t Override Screen Reader Pronunciation
When many devs, testers, and authors first start listening to content through a screen reader, they are surprised to hear dates, pricing, names, abbreviations, acronyms, etc. announced differently than they expect. With the best of intentions (or branding panic) they may seek to force screen readers to announce content as…
Don’t Override Screen Reader Pronunciation
AI-Generated Images from AI-Generated Prompts
AI-Generated Images from AI-Generated Prompts
As the world’s leading expert on a people-first approach to computer vision, I am dedicated to providing insights that enable designers, developers, and copywriters to create accessible images at the highest possible velocity. A velocity so high, in fact, you can almost hear the point whistling over their head, like…
AI-Generated Images from AI-Generated Prompts
FIX Color Contrast – Accessibility in Web & UI Design
FIX Color Contrast – Accessibility in Web & UI Design
📄 Download the PDF Cheat Sheet: Don’t make my mistake – Learn what’s crucial and required about color contrast for text and UI components for your next design project. 💌 Subscribe to the weekly Font Friday Newsletter: 💡 Typography Coaching Call 🎥 Eric Egger’s YouTube Channel: @yatil Chapters: 0:00 Intro 1:18 Why web accessibility? 2:50 Color contrast for text 3:57 Color contrast for UI components 5:03 1 Add a border 6:03 2 Add additional signifiers 6:37 3 Consider the context 7:42 YouTube filters pass accessibility 8:44 YouTube search box fails 9:09 Action steps with color contrast #accessibility #webdesign #typography
FIX Color Contrast – Accessibility in Web & UI Design
Video zeigt, warum die Bedienung des ICE-4-Rollstuhllift fast 10 Minuten dauern kann
Video zeigt, warum die Bedienung des ICE-4-Rollstuhllift fast 10 Minuten dauern kann
Der ICE 4 der Deutschen Bahn besticht durch ein technisch besonders ausgefeiltes kaum wahrnehmes Design des Rollstuhllifts. Die Bedienung gehört jedoch mit zu den komplexesten im Bereich der Mobilität – mit entsprechenden Nachteilen. Fahrgäste, die den Lift brauchen, sollten ein Training haben.
Video zeigt, warum die Bedienung des ICE-4-Rollstuhllift fast 10 Minuten dauern kann
Checklist - The A11Y Project
Checklist - The A11Y Project
A beginner's guide to digital accessibility.
This checklist uses The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) as a reference point. The WCAG is a shared standard for web content accessibility for individuals, organizations, and governments.
Checklist - The A11Y Project
JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver Braille Viewers
JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver Braille Viewers
First, a very important qualifier — this does not represent how Braille display users experience the web. All this post does is show how to enable the Braille display emulators in JAWS and VoiceOver. This can be handy when testing issues reported by users and you do not have a…
JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver Braille Viewers
CSS-only Widgets Are Inaccessible
CSS-only Widgets Are Inaccessible
Usually. I originally titled this InacCSS-onlyible. I even made this typographically, er, distinct image. Then I realized it was silly and will instead use the neologism in a talk so I can hear the groans IRL. Interactive widgets powered with only CSS are relatively common as people are playing with…
CSS-only Widgets Are Inaccessible
Exposing Field Errors
Exposing Field Errors
This post is about exposing field errors programmatically. I have already shared some opinions (such as a caution about displaying messages below fields or avoiding default browser field validation), but this post dives into using ARIA to convey them to screen reader users. With fields that produce error messages on…
Exposing Field Errors
Accessibility vs emojis
Accessibility vs emojis
At an emojis best, they can add fun and context to a post or message. At their worst, they can cause frustration and abandonment.
Accessibility vs emojis