

Custom sorting
Respect your children - TPGi
Respect your children - TPGi
A subset of ARIA roles are defined as having presentational children. These are mostly a subset of widget roles Presentational Children The DOM descendants are presentational. User agents SHOULD NOT expose descendants of this element through the...
Respect your children - TPGi
What’s In A Word?
What’s In A Word?
Finding a trusted methodology for evaluating font accessibility for both vision impairment and cognitive accessibility.
What’s In A Word?
Accessibility data is not the enemy
Accessibility data is not the enemy
The following blog post has recently done the rounds and it is yet another article about accessibility that doesn’t quite add-up, and is…
Accessibility data is not the enemy
A Whole Lot of Bovver Over Hover - TPGi
A Whole Lot of Bovver Over Hover - TPGi
Should you fail interactive elements that have questionable hover styles under WCAG SC 1.4.11. Spoiler alert: the answer is no.
A Whole Lot of Bovver Over Hover - TPGi
Data Visualization Accessibility Resources
Data Visualization Accessibility Resources
A non-exhaustive and in-progress list of people and resources in Accessibility and Data Visualization - dataviza11y/resources: A non-exhaustive and in-progress list of people and resources in Acces...
Data Visualization Accessibility Resources
Separate your concerns.
Don’t use custom CSS scrollbars
Don’t use custom CSS scrollbars
While a custom CSS scrollbar may seem flashy and fun, consider that it may present a significant, unnecessary barrier to access…
Don’t use custom CSS scrollbars
Under-Engineered Responsive Tables
Under-Engineered Responsive Tables
I have written a bunch about responsive tables. Maybe too much. I keep trying to give developers the information they need to make informed decisions — ARIA attributes, screen reader & browser pairing results, bugs, and so on. I have spread things out over years of posts. I have filed…
Under-Engineered Responsive Tables
Meeting WCAG Level AAA - TetraLogical
Meeting WCAG Level AAA - TetraLogical
Accessibility consultancy with a focus on inclusion. We can help you with knowledge, experience, strategy, assessments, and development.
Meeting WCAG Level AAA - TetraLogical
‘Accessibility at the Edge’ W3C CG Is an Overlay Smoke Screen
‘Accessibility at the Edge’ W3C CG Is an Overlay Smoke Screen
Another post where I lay it all out in the title. What follows is why I am making this assertion (with a handy table of contents). Timeline 26 May 2022 at 10:58am ET 26 May 2022 at 7:56pm ET 27 May 2022 at 7:38pm ET 28 May 2022 at 5:04pm…
‘Accessibility at the Edge’ W3C CG Is an Overlay Smoke Screen