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The Flix Programming Language
The Flix Programming Language

A powerful effect-oriented programming language

Flix is a principled effect-oriented functional, imperative, and logic programming language developed at Aarhus University and by a community of open source contributors. Why effect-oriented? And why Flix?

Why Effects? Effect systems represent the next major evolution in statically typed programming languages. By explicitly modeling side effects, effect-oriented programming enforces modularity and helps program reasoning. User-defined effects and handlers allow programmers to implement their own control structures.

Why Flix? We claim that of all the upcoming effect-oriented programming languages, Flix offers the most complete language implementation, the most extensive standard library, the most detailed documentation, and the best tool support.

Moreover, Flix builds on proven programming language technology, including: algebraic data types and pattern matching, extensible records, traits, higher-kinded types, associated types and effects, structured concurrency, and more.

The Flix Programming Language