Effects and Coeffects in Call-By-Push-Value (Extended Version) - 2311.11795v2.pdf
Effects and Coeffects in Call-By-Push-Value
Some extensions of CBPV annotate effects on F A instead of U B . These systems isolate ef-
fects so that they need not be tracked by the typing judgement. Extended Call-by-Push-Value
(ECBPV) [ McDermott and Mycroft 2019 ] adds call-by-need evaluation to CBPV and layers an ef-
fect system to augment equational reasoning. This system uses an operation ใ ๐ ใ ๐ต to extend the
effect annotation to other computation types, combining effects in returner types and pushing ef-
fects to the result type of functions and inside with-products. Rioux and Zdancewic [ 2020 ] tracks
divergence. In this system, the sequencing operation requires that the annotation on the returner
type be less than or equal to any annotation on the result of the continuation.