Type Safety in 10 Easy, 4 Medium, and 1 Hard Lemma using Step-indexed Logical Relations``` {-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-} module rewriting.examples.BlogTypeSafety10Easy4Med1Hard where open import Data.Bool using ( true...#semantic_typing#jeremy_siek#agda#type-safety#logical_relations·siek.blogspot.com·Feb 4, 2025Type Safety in 10 Easy, 4 Medium, and 1 Hard Lemma using Step-indexed Logical Relations
On the Relationship Between Static Analysis and Type TheorySome months ago, Ravi Mangal sent me an email with a very interesting question, which I reproduce in part below: The question that has be...#neel-krishnaswami#type-theory#static-analysis#semantic-domain·semantic-domain.blogspot.com·Jan 20, 2025On the Relationship Between Static Analysis and Type Theory
The Golden Age of PL ResearchI was chatting with a PhD student while back, who remarked to me that many senior PL researchers seemed stuck in a defensive crouch. I thoug...#pl#research#neel-krishnaswami#golden-age#pwl·semantic-domain.blogspot.com·Jan 20, 2025The Golden Age of PL Research
15-836 Substructural Logics / ScheduleFrank Pfenning's Lectures on Substructural Logics (2023)#pfenning#substructual-logic#logic#cmu#class#message-passing#sax#subtyping·cs.cmu.edu·Jan 15, 202515-836 Substructural Logics / Schedule
Semantic Type Soundness and Language InteroperabilityNotes by Amal Ahmed (OPLSS)#semantic_typing#mutable-refs#amal-ahmed#research#oplss·cs.uoregon.edu·Sep 23, 2024Semantic Type Soundness and Language Interoperability