(1) random ricky on X: "🧸in zb1, there are members whose representative animal is a cat right? please raise your hand. (🧸🦋🐰🐼🐹 🐱 raised their hands) 🐱its me~ (🧸 told each of them to do the “you’re mine, i’m a cat” aegyo) 🐱i’ll show you a real cat. meow. 👥… (🐱 proceeds to do it) 🐹cute~ https://t.co/6NLNCP1CIU" / X
ㅁ☽ on X: "241122 MAMA Osaka #ROSÉ #BrunoMars #2024MAMA https://t.co/kKJQvXzxh1" / X
Mnet K-POP
(2) Mi 🌸 on X: "241122 MAMA boys sitting next to Bruno Mars xD so cute their reactions https://t.co/o521thtvK5" / X
(2) Mi 🌸 on X: "241122 MAMA jebis APT challenge xD https://t.co/sy6CNVpKaw" / X
(1) Mi 🌸 on X: "241122 MAMA full reaction of jebis with yujin&taerae special stage https://t.co/niHtb3qnfd" / X
hanbin revealing matthew's role to be the citizen in the dance mafia game so matthew shot him a glare lol he just loves to tease matthew 😂