binini watching hanbin record bad boy 😂🩷
hanbin showing off his nails 🥹🖤
this was his home first before he became an idol oh my heart💔
Hanbin choreographed this move in bad cool~~!
From this AOTM we can see that Hanbin challenges himself:
A whole surprise b'day event 🥹
"The protagonist doesn't care about what other people think, dances a little bizarrely in her own style,bending her joints & that's very similar to tutting,so from that scene I wear a goth look just like the protagonist,among dancers who dance the same choreo,I dance differently"
(3) ㅇㅇㄴ🍀 on X: "practice result" / X
(3) ☘️ on X: "to: zb1 members 🐹 thank you for supporting me since the morning 🐹 as i'm here as sung hanbin from zb1 i'll take responsibility so give me lots of support, okay? 🥰 🐹 eeeek ☺️ i love you" / X
(1) 🎀 on X: "hanbin asking for part the he can improve on and bada pointed out a move cos he did it and make it appear SO EASY so she asked him to make it appear difficult and spella was like " doing too well is also a problem right 😊 ? " basically, sung hanbin problem : he is TOO good" / X
(1) 햄냥 on X: "Jrick: More eunthusiastic than anyone else, digest it well with his own style, he grew become a great dancer because he take on everthing Bada : hanbin is a great dancer Spella : Steadfast, sincere, great character, work hard, student that I adore so much" / X
(1) syi🌷 on X: "Q: difficulty level of the choreo? 🐹🐱 : since i have to mantain my ‘ex-dancer’ title. The dance is very tough and dense and uses a lot of energy. I gave my everything. Sung Hanbinㅠㅠㅠㅠ" / X
Sung Hanbin expressed heartfelt gratitude to the directors, scriptwriters, dancers, and camera directors who collaborated with him, extending special thanks to the BEBE family and even gifting the dancers presents as a token of his appreciation for their hard work and support…
🎻 staffs of aotm, please record hanbin perfectly
햄냥 on X: "2 month preparation between feel the pop promotion,take the rap challenge, with 150 takes, hanbin and the whole team worked hard to make 2:33 minutes video as "the most watched part" worthy thanks you really 🥹" / X
hanbin who always does unexpected things like covering the candle so the person in front of him doesn’t get hit by the smoke, checking on the dancer who did a flip, and always giving gifts and letters to the people who are important to him🥹
[Artist Of The Month] Choreo-Record with ZEROBASEONE SUNG HAN BIN(성한빈) | July 2024 (ENG/JPN)
[Artist Of The Month] Choreo-Record with ZEROBASEONE SUNG HAN BIN(성한빈) | July 2024 (ENG/JPN)