동생들한테 미끄러질까봐 신발 체크 잘하라고 말해주는 리더형아 ㅜ 반했다…
(2) 콤마.. on X: "부끄부끄윶둥이넘귀여워서잡아먹엇다 https://t.co/qL4V90msaF" / X
(1) MC PPODOL ᵕ̈ on X: "the cutest apateu apateu i've ever heard can rosé adopt her blond son yujin already https://t.co/47zc6nL5vR" / X
(1) MC PPODOL ᵕ̈ on X: "hao is so serious focused on dancing when behind him this cutest pookie tiny dancing with the precious smile ever https://t.co/vCTz1MwNaw" / X
(1) yuehuaz archive on X: "gyuvin taking care of yujin 🥹🤍 https://t.co/nATMJRp326" / X
(1) 기쁨 on X: "this so familiar. 🤭🥹 just another day of mehbokz peaceful day. https://t.co/ABELD17y3I" / X
(1) 콤마.. on X: "아진짜얼굴다가리고애교잔뜩부리는거ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅠ 입덕햇슴.... https://t.co/KUGRZ4Twhh" / X
(1) 제로베이스원 노래, 춤 on X: "Overdose - Over me (#한유진 Ver.) https://t.co/0iV450VX8s" / X