catwoong boxing with tthew
Hanbin, Jiwoong & Taerae would all be a fan of Matt and imitated him
Jiwoong imitating how Matthew says 'ah hyung!~'
Jiwoong offering Matt his lollipop
Matthew said to get closer to Jiwoong you need to make him laugh a lot
Jiwoong & Matthew posing together
Jiwoong taking a photo of Matthew
if Matthew got angry, Jiwoong would buy him smth delicious to soothe him
Matthew trying to catch the next jebemon (Ricky) while gwajaz watch
ppusamz as the little prince and the fox
zerose struggle to get Jiwoong to wear the Ratatouille costume & Matthew helps
Jiwoong, Ricky & Gunwook's reaction to Matthew in the pink apron
Matthew's recent info about Jiwoong is that he's been learning how to drive
Jiwoong being helped by a bodyguard again & small ppusamz moment
Jiwoong teasing Matthew and Matt pating his butt