디어 on X: "zerobaseone on daechinso live today!!! 🧸 last time, i saw [hanbin hyung] all squeezed in between boynextdoor last time. now it's in reverse. 🐹 it's fun doing the boynextdoor greeting too~ 🧸 [stares at hanbin] 🐹 of course it's fun doing this too!!! [does zb1's greeting] https://t.co/gINofWMtHT" / X
(1) nori✩ on X: "🧸 for me the thumbnail.. with jiwoong hyung and hao 👥 ahh 🐹 i thought the two of them were kissing 🧸 what were you guys doing? 🐈⬛ it’s a scene where i heal hao 👥 OHH 🐱 wasn’t it a kiss? 🎻 because my heart was hurting 🐈⬛ how was it? 🎻 it was heart fluttering https://t.co/rYnvKzWLpk" / X
(1) 디어 on X: "yujin volunteering to freestyle rap and everyone hyping him up 😆🥹 🐹 WHAT'S THIS 🐱 OKAY OKAY [plays the track] 🧸 SHOW THEM SHOW THEM 🐹 he doesn't usually do this! YUJIN! 🧸 show me what you got! 🐰🎤 YEAH... i'm nineteen! nineteen! nineteen! i'm at the age to drink coffee, https://t.co/UlWJqltkjJ" / X
(2) 디어 on X: "🧸 hyung, you know how you've been interested in freestyle rapping nowadays? 🦊 no we can't do that... I'M ALSO AN IDOL PLEASE PROTECT MY IMAGE. 🧸 and jaehyun hyungnim's also done freestyle before... 🐶 NO. 🐹 so how are we gonna do this? are we gonna have these two battle? 🐱 https://t.co/tmP3tz8c6v" / X
(2) ◟/ᐠ. .ᐟ\🍞 on X: "drinks they recently enjoy🧋! 🎻: recently? we enjoy drinks like avocado smoothie 🧸: right !! that’s delicious 🧸: originally i didn’t like avocado and kind of push it away but hao hyung asked me to try it so i tried and its really delicious 👍🏻 https://t.co/ja5tCrsyJ1" / X
🐱 *his turn*