Gyuvin & Jaehyun teasing each other

Keita (Evnne/BP) mentioning ZB1, esp. Matthew, Taerae, Gunwook & Gyuvin on his live
jebes' reaction to losing by 8 points for mcountdown
mermaid Gyu
Jungha & Younghoon mentioning Gyuvin as they step down from Music Core MC duties
the jebewon family according to Gyuvin
silly jebe pics
compilation of maknae line's love language for Taerae
Matthew, Ricky, Gyuvin & Gunwook combining three trends in one TikTok
Jaehyun getting carried by ZB1 continued
Gyuvin gave Yunseo (Evnne/BP) an Atkinsons perfume
Matt helping gaeteolz with choreo & lyrics
Gyuvin taking care of Yujin at the airport
Members choosing Taerae's part in Hana as their fave
Taerae & Gyucin practicing singing together
7/9 jebe birthday cakes
jebes in zeroni Pjs 6/9
kongddakz converts to B&O headphones
jebes converting to B&O headphones following Matthew
Gyuvin sending yogurt ice cream to his school
the relationship between the sun and the moon by Taerae thinking of Gyuvin
queen eumppappa sneezing
Gyuvin's response to San holding gyunini
Ateez' San holding Gyunini
kkyutez animating the jebewon CSAT message
Hanbin, Gyuvin & Yujin on BND behind
2binz on BND behind
Yujin, Gyuvin & Ricky old Yuehua photo
jebes looking at the camera when something hoes wrong
Gyuvin & Yujin teasing each other on Plus Chat