Jiwoong, Ricky & Yujin winning the money game for jebes

Ricky joining 2binz' nabitna-ing
living up to kissbaseone ft. shimkongz & gaeteolz
minamz having fun with pair choreo
Ricky reciting kdrama on stage
random ricky on X: "ricky’s confidence 😭 👤: what’s the key point of ricky’s acting in good so bad? 🐱: my face does all the job. 👤: rate your acting out of 10 🐱: 100. 👤: rate your look out of 10 🐱: 10,000. 👤: what’s your bad point? 🐱: it’s bad that i’m perfect. https://t.co/6ch3hQ8kGf" / X
let’s all just live
Matthew gatekeeping zb1
Ricky with ZB1
Kamden talking about Ricky acting cool and beeing funny
shimkogz hugging and playing
Evnne Hanbin & Keita mention Ricky, Matthew & Gunwook
Gyuvin paying for dinner with Ricky
young and rich expectations vs reality
Ricky making Taerae laugh comiplation
screengrabs of Rirae having the best time together
shimkongz movie
jebe representative fruits
Ricky x Madame Figaro Hommes Interview (trans @ kittyshens)
members reporting on Ricky in Shanghai
aristocatz & Taerae - Leave the Door Open
Ricky's meeting with the orange cat
Ricky playing basketball
aristocatz doing whatever it takes to win: a thread
digimonz Plus Chat for premium rizz
Jiwoong picks Ricky as the most handsome member
5/9 confirmed driver's license holders in ZB1
the biggest Ricky fans and supporters
Hanbin, Hao, Ricky, Gunwook & Yujin on Omniscient View: The Manager
Ricky being a cat