241109 hao mistine douyin live live translations thread
(2) 햇빛 on X: "🎻: hello everyone i'm mistine's youth ambassador zhang hao! the concept today is teacher, so the audience all said "hello teacher zhang"" / X
(2) 햇빛 on X: "they're talking about props and the announcer pointed out one of them is "zhang hao will be popular until the end of the horizon" 🎻: i'm someone who likes to speak the truth 🎻: in bangkok, someone took photos of the mistine ads and i saw them 🎻: and in macau, i didn't eat a" / X
(2) 햇빛 on X: "🎻: to be able to see everyone in china, is really an opportunity that you all have brought me, so let's have a good time and have good conversations (during this fanmeet)" / X
(2) 햇빛 on X: "he's doing a wave but they put on some happy-go-lucky music 🎻: but why put on this kind of happy-go-lucky music to make me do a wave? *does a wave (body roll)*" / X
(2) 햇빛 on X: "🎻: actually when i was in university i've used the sunscreen from mistine, and when i went to thailand i bought mistine's products to bring back (question was about what connection he has with the brand)" / X
(1) 햇빛 on X: "(question was about how he maintains good condition) 🎻: actually i am "见缝插针”, aka, when there is an opportunity i just fall asleep, even if i have 10 minutes i just take a nap" / X
(1) 햇빛 on X: "*reading the script from the prompter* 🎻: woah! this gold cusion is almost as big as my face! 🎻: actually it's not as big as my face – this line is – 🎻: later when you guys edit the photos can you edit my face a bit smaller" / X
(1) 햇빛 on X: "👤: woah... i have to look for a while to be able to see what it is 🌹: *laughter* 👤: first, on his own photo what did he draw? 🎻: panda! 👤: on the second part of the box, if i'm not wrong, it's snow right? 👤: and then on the third part it's the sun? 🎻: wow," / X
(1) 햇빛 on X: "👤: do you guys want the gift box (that hao drew) 🌹 cheering 🎻: you guys really hype me up ... putting this box in your house it seems to be a priceless thing *drew # 135 (seat number) to win the drawn gift box * 🎻: congratulations..!! although it might not be such a" / X
(1) 햇빛 on X: "they're talking about "citywalk", which means to go out on a stroll 🎻: *saying places in hangzhou that are good to do citywalk in* 🎻: that's right, these days i like to take a stroll too because the weather is so nice" / X
(1) 햇빛 on X: "(lol) (👤 has said hao keeps cueing the flow of the program by himself without the 👤 prompting twice already) just now: 🎻: can you give me the prop (the sunscreen), yes that "bujiaban" sunscreen, yes that one" / X
(1) 햇빛 on X: "*the foam balls are to test that if there is any moisture, it will stick to your hand* 🎻: *dipping his hand into the foam balls* 🌹: *cheering* 🎻: why are the things you guys like to look at so strange" / X
(1) 햇빛 on X: "now is 5-cut time (👤 said that after confirming the flow with hao, they moved the segment to earlier so people don't have to wait as long) 1. make a heart 2. puppy ears 3. holding sunscreen / glasses (👤: WOAH! HES SO HANDSOME RIGHT?!) 4. eating the gold cushion / kissy face" / X
(1) 햇빛 on X: "🎻: everytime going to a schedule the timing is very tight so it's like going to war, so the makeup artists always "poompoompoom" give us touchups, so with this cushion, touchups will be easier" / X
(1) 햇빛 on X: "*testing the cushion* 👤: can you guys see the quality clearly? i see some of you guys have a 8x lens 🎻: 8x lens hhhh 🎻: it's really not a lie, you can see after applying the cushion it's like you turned on a smoothening filter" / X
(1) 햇빛 on X: "*defending himself* *🌹 inaudible chattering* 🎻: ah nonono – i'm just timing this teacher (model) for who can apply their cushion faster (the "big gold cushion" (hao's side) was able to apply her makeup in 19 seconds)" / X
(1) 햇빛 on X: "🎻: since my personality is a bit impatient, so it's especially helpful because i can touchup (the makeup) quickly" / X
(1) 햇빛 on X: "🎻: my hand (that applied the cushion) still feels like baby's skin *🌹 chattering* 🎻: *tinie voice* i've just turned 18~ (the meme)" / X
햇빛 on X: "*drawing polaroids segment* 🎻: from the previous draw, i've prepared more polaroids 🌹 (one for everyone) 🎻: one for everyone? i would then become a signing machine hh" / X
햇빛 on X: "🎻 reading the message [...] "the brand really knows how to choose (the ambassador)] 🎻: speaking the truth!" / X
햇빛 on X: "ending ment 🎻: thank you mistine for inviting me to this fanmeeting, and every meeting is so happily spent 🎻: the notion of loving me, is something that i really want to repay everyone for 🎻: hoping that everyone experiences a warm winter – make sure to rest properly and" / X
🧍🏻: First, on out zhang laoshi's head, what did he draw?
zhang hao pics on X: "🧍🏻: Wow! I have to look for a very long time to tell what it is 🎻: (lol) teacher, you can't tell what it is right? 🧍🏻: I-I can sort of tell but you should (explain yourself) Okay, let's show it for everyone in 3-2-1 https://t.co/35YgDnE5xy" / X
🎻: really what would I do without you guys 🥹🥹
(zhang hao drew a snowflake and a sun )
(1) ⚚ semi ia ᯓᡣ𐭩 on X: "🐼 Getting to see everyone here at home is truly a wonderful opportunity that has been given to me. 🐼 Each time I return and get to meet everyone is a moment that I truly treasure. So today, let’s have fun talking, taking photos, and have a great time together. There will also https://t.co/bZ7zn7bwhh" / X
(1) ⚚ semi ia ᯓᡣ𐭩 on X: "Teacher Zhang Hao is here! 🙂↕️ 🐼 I am Teacher Zhang for our 8 A.M class today 🐼 everyone, give me a quick greeting! 🐼 3, 2, 1... “Hello teacher!” 👥 Hello, Teacher!!!! 🐼 Hello, students! 😊 https://t.co/TlcipT3vBE" / X