Singapore 2024
aww hanbin turns to look at matthew when he spoke his ment in english and matthew encouraging him to keep going then giving him thumbs up after too 🥹
d~ on X: "240928 오늘 의 작꿍즈 🐹🦊 #성한빈 #석매튜 #작꿍즈 #ZB1 #제로베이스원 #ZEROBASEONEINSINGAPORE https://t.co/fTKh9UUwQR" / X
솜털즈 아기들 우뜨케에에ㅔㅔ귀여워
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ xo on X: "Gunwook throwing kisses 😍🫶🏻 #ZB1inSG #ZEROBASEONEinSG #GUNWOOK https://t.co/AdqKpuhKY7" / X
🦊: remember everything about you, i'm confident, come here 🎶
김페어 🍐 on X: "240928 #박건욱 오늘의 난 빛나 댄브는 건욱이!!! 🖤 https://t.co/iLOPTA9e02" / X
oh my hao hao you are such a star 😭❤️ he was SOOO captivating with the most beautiful smile, it was such a moment singing always lyrics with everyone in the crowd
— tiny tiny yujin (@pocketsizeyujin)
wn on X: "240928 timeless world in singapore 욱빤츄!! #빅건욱 #제로베이스원 #PARKGUNWOOK #ZEROBASEONE @ZB1_official https://t.co/ZAcaShDNf5" / X
gunwook after performing dear eclipse 🤣
silly bean trying to do his aotm blindfold move but the ribbon kept falling off and getting tangled 🤣
Sweet_sign_ on X: "240928 솜털즈 페어댄스 #제로베이스원 #박건욱 #한유진 #ZB1 #ZEROBASEONE #PARKGUNWOOK #ゴヌク #朴乾煜 https://t.co/ETWuNfbnwc" / X
🧸 swee- swee lah! 😁 swee lah~
hao tried to throw a balloon into our section but it floated back to him ?? so he tried to send it back and ricky was laughing 🤣
this is literally a scene out of my dreams came to life.. plus you can see how he’s looking around at everyone and taking it all in 🥹
건욱맘 on X: "🤍🔗 240928 #ZB1inSG" / X
wn on X: "240928 timeless world in singapore me and a riyangi made a ricky and gunwook hug sign and they noticed 😭😭😭 #박건욱 #리키 #제로베이스원 #PARKGUNWOOK #RICKY #ZEROBASEONE @ZB1_official https://t.co/DTVGZW3fCh" / X
they both back hugged EACH OTHER 😭😭😭 every nyangteolzer jumped for joy (me included)
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅠㅠㅠㅠ 애기가컨페티맞는누나를막걱정해줌....
송알이 on X: "240928 냥털즈 안아🫂 #박건욱 https://t.co/dnlqhDdcqi" / X
Rac 🐻 on X: "Gunwook Ricky dougie dance #박건욱 #리키 #제로베이스원 #PARKGUNWOOK #RICKY #ZEROBASEONE @ZB1_official https://t.co/Qp5qFf7VCf" / X
Mono⁰-¹🌸👾 on X: "Alright damn....ZB1's aura.... https://t.co/SC30HLXveT" / X
🐽🐽 on X: "240928 TIMELESS WORLD IN SG Temperature of our hug: 40°C #mattparkz https://t.co/NUlaUWIXRL" / X
~원~ on X: "240928 #리키 #석매튜 #박건욱 this digimonz and mattparkz meal https://t.co/ZoYCBMGPen" / X
and his namja (?)
w/ hyung and dongsaeng 💓
타입 on X: "240928 Singapore 싱가포르 #김태래 #kimtaerae 털썩 https://t.co/jgmerpxJvY" / X