(1) tori 🐬 on X: "HANBIN CHOOSING A WHITE TANK TOP FOR THE OUTFIT LMAO 🎻theyre literally your clothes 🎻theyre yours 🐱this is just what you wear to practice 🐥hanbin’s daily clothes 🐹be quiet !! https://t.co/oGhUWf59Iu" / X

Variety & TV
(1) ✿ on X: "zerobaseone and their butt gossips need to be studied. this isn’t even the first time this week that a member has brought up another member’s butt 😭 https://t.co/DID4ZgAA3s" / X
(1) 햄냥 on X: "Hanbin saw ducks and said it remind him of Taerae ㅋㅋ https://t.co/yFolqvRO8E" / X
(3) ㅇㅇㄴ🍀 on X: "they talked about hanbin aotm 🥹 https://t.co/MZD8rn9PB7" / X
when sorn asked what animal they want as a pet, gunwook and hanbin points at taerae and said duck lmao 😭😭 they are full fledged taerae duck truther 😭😭
🐤 → 🐹
heres the other angle of cheonanz and taeraes reaction to his hanbin hyung is so🤭🤭🤭
sung hanbin, the legend of boys planet
Teacher Hanbin at ISAC compilation
idk what theyre talking about here but cheonanz are teasing e/o and their reaction is so funny & cute. 🤭🥹