(2) 雲 on X: "Q: I think the king(?) of Cheonan is himself, not Sung Hanbin? 🐤: what kind of question is this.. 🐹: why? It’s fun tho the answer is .. 🐤: of course “no” (he does not think himself as cheonan king) 🐹: but if the buzzer buzzes here..? Buzzes** (meaning taerae https://t.co/DkAD6l1bkI" / X

(2) Mono⁰-¹❣️〰️❣️🌸 on X: "They were playing a syllables game where they have to come up with a word 🧸: "Pretentious" 🐥: You're very pretentious 🧸: Thank you~~ 🤚 🐹🐱: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ What is 🤚 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ what is 🤚 🤚 Is Gunwook showing off his bbg side 😍😍 https://t.co/iNq81CbDoS" / X
(2) Mono⁰-¹🌸👾 on X: "Gunwook defending Hanbin from imposter allegations and then crying out in betrayal after finding out Hanbin was an imposter, a short movie😔 https://t.co/JKM3nfrb93" / X
oding ☪︎ on X: "hanbin mentioned an english word (game) so taerae instructed him to do the gwiyomi song but he also failed while doing so 😭 🐥 in the cutie ‘song’, 6+6! 🧸 ‘song’ 🫵 🐥 i’ll do it with 1+1 😅 🦋 pls do it up to 60~ 🐥 😂 this hyung really..! https://t.co/q2rTiZkX3f" / X