(2) 雲 on X: "Q: I think the king(?) of Cheonan is himself, not Sung Hanbin? 🐤: what kind of question is this.. 🐹: why? It’s fun tho the answer is .. 🐤: of course “no” (he does not think himself as cheonan king) 🐹: but if the buzzer buzzes here..? Buzzes** (meaning taerae https://t.co/DkAD6l1bkI" / X
(2) Mono⁰-¹❣️〰️❣️🌸 on X: "They were playing a syllables game where they have to come up with a word 🧸: "Pretentious" 🐥: You're very pretentious 🧸: Thank you~~ 🤚 🐹🐱: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ What is 🤚 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ what is 🤚 🤚 Is Gunwook showing off his bbg side 😍😍 https://t.co/iNq81CbDoS" / X
(2) 딘스 ✿ Dinssss - kinda ia on X: "So theyre playing the consonant words game, and Jiwoong just keep flirting there 😭🤏 🦋 Immigration! 🗣️ Ooooooo~~ 🐥 Jiwoong hyung's choice of words is just sexy~ 🦋 Will you imigrate with me? 🐻 Oo-h m-me? 🦋 Hahhahahah TAERAE AND GUNWOOK IS JUST SO MEEEE ATP 😭 https://t.co/YChbjz8CkP" / X
🦊 I thought it was Jiwoong hyung cause he suddenly did ‘give me the money’, i guess that was hint
i like the fact that throughout the whole episode, gunwook’s attention to detail and fast thinking is showcased very well. he is also shown to make reasonable deductions too. he’s too good at being a detective 😭
🎻:slowly ~
the whole of ZB1 dating each other
(1) ~원~ on X: "our pro storyteller matthew's monologue: cinderella is him. ricky is his baby. (restarts) he watched cinderella when he was little and suddenly taerae appeared in it. taerae loves cars. the end https://t.co/RDz0f02WV0" / X
(1) Mono⁰-¹🌸🎞️ on X: "🐥: When dying, I think the quality of death is important 🧸: Even when dying, you want to kick the bucket artistically What kind of conversations are these... Gunwook and Taerae talking about dying in an artist way😭☀️ https://t.co/4ihtxxwF2W" / X
oding ☪︎ on X: "hanbin mentioned an english word (game) so taerae instructed him to do the gwiyomi song but he also failed while doing so 😭 🐥 in the cutie ‘song’, 6+6! 🧸 ‘song’ 🫵 🐥 i’ll do it with 1+1 😅 🦋 pls do it up to 60~ 🐥 😂 this hyung really..! https://t.co/q2rTiZkX3f" / X
기쁨 on X: "(20yrs later = 42yrs old) 20yrs older than now and receive 10 billion won vs. just living as it is w/o receiving 10 billion won https://t.co/IxpDOWqaPW 🎻ill just live as it is now 🐹🐱 ill just. i think ill just live as it is too. 🐻 its 10 billion won. 10,000,000,000 (the one" / X
𝙽𝙰𝙴 · ִֶָ☾. on X: "JIWOONG RECKLESSLY MADE GUNWOOK MADE 🤣🤣 🦋: *sudden jumping* 🐻: Who's purple (100x) 🐱: calm down 🐻: Who's blue! Stop! I SAID STOP 🦊: Who's blue? 🐥: Jiwoong hyung 🦊: Ah jiwoong hyung!! 🦋: i got it i got it 🤣🤣🤣 https://t.co/KxRuO5BQay" / X
🐹: let’s save a ball
they were suppose to start the game and enter the door but hao (the green one) was still outside so since they dk who's who they started falsely accusing ricky instead and hao went inside silently😭
Impostor jiwoong making his member mad during pico park