(2) 콤마.. on X: "한빈: 수학몇점맞아또?♡ 태래: 내가봣을땐쟤오엠알카드에토끼그려놧어 유진: 아니근데생각보다 내상식으로풀수잇을거같은문제들이있는거예요 규빈: 그거틀렸을거얗ㅎㅎ 한빈: 자 피타고라스의 정리 얘기해 보세요! ... 유진: 아니그니까. -제베원일동폭소- (🐹 아너무귀엽네♡) https://t.co/QbZIU88Qcj" / X
(1) 기쁨 on X: "🐤 really delicious. baby ppoppo https://t.co/w9AQjPH2gr" / X
(1) ً on X: "among the members yujin would like to give the cupcakes to taerae and this is how taerae would react based on gunwook 😭 🐻 oh my, our baby made this~ 🐰 that's why i wanted to give it to him https://t.co/M6KvgtVC46" / X
아진짜 막내 장난에 놀아나는 형들 왤케 웃김
Impostor jiwoong making his member mad during pico park