(1) 딘스 ✿ Dinssss - kinda ia on X: "THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RICKY GUNWOOK AND JIWOONG Jiwoong just busy eating there 😭 🐻🐱*riding a motorcycle* 🦋*running automatically* 🐱*got attacked* 🦋whats that? *startled* 🐻ive taken them down 🦋Ricky, i'll handle it for you! 🐱Hahah 🐻its already over 🦋Ah its over? HAHA https://t.co/FHGwhNjz42" / X
🧸: ricky don’t die!! you can die (i can cover you)
Gunwook's nickname being "zeroselove" meanwhile his high k!ll count😭😭. His reasoning is so funny .."I'm protecting Zerose" 😭😭
rae on X: "ricky successfully ends his first pubg pc ver with a win! 🧸 oh ricky, did you kill? 🐱 yes~ 🦌 oh RICKilled? 🐱 my first pubg~ 🐥 well done x2 👏🏼 🧸 nice~ https://t.co/1b1kxENCTv" / X