:3 on X: "‘master shen’s 60 second character sketch documentary 🎨’ op asked ricky to draw a portrait of her 😭 he’s so concentrated.. it’s adorable lol 🔗 https://t.co/Hl66mz5IbQ https://t.co/U30eIJin5m" / X
After needing CPR for his chocolate batter, Gunwook needed CPR for his lemon batter so Hanbin came by along with he teacher to tease Gunwook..."Sung Hanbin virus"...lmaoooo😭😭
Hanbin saying he made this thinking about someone who adores matthew so he’s giving it to gunwookie making both gunwook and matthew confused please hanbin is just like us the head mattparkz enthusiast 😭
something about woongsungz being formal to a clown mannequin 😭 hanbin saying “excuse me” as he takes the clown wig off, and jiwoong calling it a gentleman 😭