(1) random ricky on X: "(🐱 was too slow) 🦌: it was at the same time! give us a chance! 🐱: we said it at the same time! it means we are one. this is the concept of zb1, becoming one. we read it recently 🐹: are you writing a research paper these days “his vocabulary is getting better in real time” 😭 https://t.co/w2RB2tSzxR" / X
(3) random ricky on X: "the whole group pranking ricky and 2binz hugging him to comfort him 😭 (🐹 hits 🐱) 🐱: it’s you (🐹) 👥: wow~ 🐱: this is me, shen ricky 🐥: it’s actually not hanbin 🐱: oh (after the game ends) 🐥: actually you guessed hanbin right 🐱: 😡😡 🐹🦌: sorry sorry 😂😂 https://t.co/KsZwCmEqtk" / X