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Iran’s New Nuclear Threat | Foreign Affairs
Iran’s New Nuclear Threat | Foreign Affairs

Key Points of the Article:

  • Iran's New Strategy: Iran is using its advanced nuclear capabilities (being a "threshold state") as a deterrent against attacks and sanctions.
  • Threats and Rhetoric: Iran has threatened to build nuclear weapons if Israel or the US attacks its nuclear facilities or reimposes sanctions.
  • Risks of the Strategy:
    • This strategy may lead Iran to actually build nuclear weapons.
    • It increases tensions and risks miscalculation leading to war.
    • International inspectors may not be able to properly monitor Iran's program.
  • Recommendations for US and Allies:
    • Increase diplomatic pressure to convince Iran not to build a bomb.
    • Strengthen monitoring and intelligence capabilities.
    • Prepare consequences for Iranian nuclear provocations.
    • Work on a new diplomatic agreement with Iran before October 2025 deadline.
Iran’s New Nuclear Threat | Foreign Affairs
The real danger of Iran linking Hezbollah to Gaza - analysis
The real danger of Iran linking Hezbollah to Gaza - analysis
Although this is not a direct parallel, it’s worth considering how the current crisis has some commonalities with the First World War and the failed concepts that led Europe into a massive conflagration in 1914.
The real danger of Iran linking Hezbollah to Gaza - analysis
Israel Faces a Second-Front in Lebanon
Israel Faces a Second-Front in Lebanon
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The Coming Conflict with Hezbollah
The Coming Conflict with Hezbollah
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The Coming Conflict with Hezbollah