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Supercharge Your Diet With These 5 Science-Backed Benefits of Grapefruit
Supercharge Your Diet With These 5 Science-Backed Benefits of Grapefruit
Grapefruits are one of those fruits that people either love or hate! But if they are to your taste, you could be giving your body a real boost by eating them regularly. All citrus fruits are good for you, but grapefruits are at the top of the pile regarding health benefits. Unfortunately, not everyb
Supercharge Your Diet With These 5 Science-Backed Benefits of Grapefruit
The Hidden Danger of Sugar – The Surprising Connection to Carbs | Hudson Valley Style Magazine
The Hidden Danger of Sugar – The Surprising Connection to Carbs | Hudson Valley Style Magazine
A healthy diet often gets defined as one that’s low in fat and high in fiber and whole grains, with plenty of fruits and vegetables. That’s the conventional wisdom we hear from medical experts, government officials, health professionals, non-profit organizations, the media, and even our friends and family members. A healthy diet means eating less sugar and more healthy whole grains—and anything else that’s low in fat, cholesterol, salt, and calories as well as high in essential vitamins and minerals, right? Well…not so fast. The Hidden Danger of Sugar – The Surprising Connection to Carbs – by Maxwell L. Alexander, […]
The Hidden Danger of Sugar – The Surprising Connection to Carbs | Hudson Valley Style Magazine