A lesson on fatherhood from Dale Carnegie – Dad-O-Matic
The Art of Great Writing: 60 Writing Tips from 6 All-time Great Writers | bighow news
This compilation of useful writing advice is from The Success Manual, 600+
Reading at Whim
Choosing what to read isn’t always easy. Alan Jacobs recommends reading for pleasure and indulging your Whim.
How to Write with Style: Kurt Vonnegut’s 8 Keys to the Power of the Written Word
“The most damning revelation you can make about yourself is that you do not know what is interesting and what is not.”
The Inner Ring of The Internet
Ali Montag's essay discusses the pressure to succeed in the creative world and the desire to join the "Inner Ring" of successful writers. She argues that focusing on creating meaningful work instead of chasing popularity leads to true fulfillment and craftsmanship. Ultimately, she emphasizes the importance of valuing genuine creativity over commercial success.
Elmore Leonard’s 10 Rules of Writing
“If it sounds like writing … rewrite it.”
15 Times to use AI, and 5 Not to
Notes on the Practical Wisdom of AI Use
Taylor Sheridan's Extreme Productivity
The prolific mind behind "Sicario" and "Yellowstone" only started his writing career at 40. The realest deadlines (a young family, a $350m ranch) have pushed him to grind at an unbelievable pace.
How I would learn to code in 2024 (if I could start over) | annotated by happy
Who Americans spend their time with, by age - Marginal REVOLUTION
Via the excellent Bryan Caplan.
Petnames: A humane approach to secure, decentralized naming
Using static websites for tiny archives
I've been creating small, hand-written websites to organise my files. It's a lightweight, flexible approach that I hope will last a long time.
LAN Party House
We built a(nother) house optimized for LAN Parties.
How Public Key Cryptography Really Works | Quanta Magazine
The security system that underlies the internet makes use of a curious fact: You can broadcast part of your encryption to make your information much more secure.
Newsletters are getting personal
A lot of my advice, especially to small businesses, involves getting more personal in their email newsletters. It remains a struggle to convince some businesses to include real names (not just the brand name), be a little less perfectionist in their designs, and write like a real human.
The more
Dear God, the film base is gray
Dear God, the film base is gray, and I will never reach the end of scanning 120-format negatives. The spools are scattered, the tape is stuck to my fingers, the backing paper chokes the trash can i…
Small b blogging
Network topology and the ghost of the digg homepage
How to Make Wealth
This scientist treated her own cancer with viruses she grew in the lab
Nature - Virologist Beata Halassy says self-treatment worked and was a positive experience — but researchers warn that it is not something others should try.
Some things I try to keep in mind.
Relationship circles - annie's blog
Oct 20, 2024 at 8:58 PM
I’ve been meaning to write this down for a while. Inspired to do so now by John Philpin’s post.
I don’t have any insight on...
House rules in Fortnite
We play a lot of Fortnite at our house. It's a great game for teaching kids cooperative discipline, and in a remarkably wholesome setting to boot (no blood, cartoon styling). I've had no qualms involving all three of our boys from an early age in the family squad, including our two youngest from around age four. Since we started playin...
Write. Yes, right now. Here's why. - Josh Bernoff
The world looks very different from how it did before the election. You may be wondering what you should do about that. I have one answer for you. You should write. You should create. Two reasons to write If you’re feeling depressed and anxious, then writing (or recording a podcast or a TikTok or whatever...
Mind the Gap
Your Writing
Less than 1% of your writing will be life-changing.
3% will be trivial to write.
4% will strongly resonate with others in a way you didn't expect.
5% will be quite good.
15% probably should've never been published.
26% will elicit a reaction you did not expect. Positive or negative.
28% will bec
Why books donʼt work | Andy Matuschak
Designing media to reflect how people think and learn
How I Use Claude
I now use Claude every day, multiple times a day, both in my work and personal life. This is a relatively new phenomenon: I basically never used Claude until 3.5 Sonnet came out. I had tried Claude before that, mostly out of a sense of duty, but I hadn't found him [1] particularly helpful. But 3.5 was a tipping point where Claude finally became smart enough to be worth the trouble of using. So what do I use Claude for?
Criticism Capture is More Dangerous Than Audience Capture
Nowadays, it's the unforced errors in response to criticism that kill you
My solar-powered and self-hosted website
How I built a solar-powered, self-hosted website with a Raspberry Pi to explore sustainable, local-first web hosting.
Why Bitcoin Self Custody Matters
Custody of your private keys is the foundation to Bitcoin’s trustless model.