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Liberating Structures - 8. Troika Consulting
Liberating Structures - 8. Troika Consulting
liberating structures, social, microstructures, disruptive innovation, behavior change, collaboration, social invention, diffusion of innovation, strategy, transformation, heuristics, complexity science, emergence
Liberating Structures - 8. Troika Consulting
32-Bit Cafe
32-Bit Cafe
A web space community that focuses on building websites for self-expression and creativity, made up of professionals, hobbyists, and enthusiasts of the personal web.
32-Bit Cafe
100 Little Ideas
100 Little Ideas
A list of ideas, in no particular order and from different fields, that help explain how the world works…
100 Little Ideas
Things That Aren't Doing the Thing
Things That Aren't Doing the Thing
Preparing to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Scheduling time to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Making a to-do list for the thing isn't doing the thing. Telling people you're going to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Messaging friends who may or may not be doing the thing isn't doing the thing. Writing a banger tweet about how you're going to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Hating on yourself for not doing the thing isn't doing the thing. Hating on other people who have done the thing isn't doing the thing. Hating on the obstacles in the way of doing the thing isn't doing the thing. Fantasizing about all of the adoration you'll receive once you do the thing isn't doing the thing. Reading about how to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Reading about how other people did the thing isn't doing the thing. Reading this essay isn't doing the thing. The only thing that is doing the thing is doing the thing.
Things That Aren't Doing the Thing
P&B: Jamie Thingelstad – Manu
P&B: Jamie Thingelstad – Manu
This is the 16th edition of People and Blogs, the series where I ask interesting people to talk about themselves and their blogs. Today we have Jamie …
P&B: Jamie Thingelstad – Manu
MacStories Selects 2023: Recognizing the Best Apps of the Year
MacStories Selects 2023: Recognizing the Best Apps of the Year
John: Every year, it seems like the MacStories Selects awards roll around faster than the last, and this year was no exception. For most people, the year begins on January 1st, but for us, WWDC marks the beginning of our year, and the MacStories Selects Awards feel like its conclusion. Plenty happens the rest of
MacStories Selects 2023: Recognizing the Best Apps of the Year
DAK and the Golden Age of Gadget Catalogs
DAK and the Golden Age of Gadget Catalogs
Hi. My name is Cabel. And I’ve probably got the neatest job in the whole world. I wear many hats. But here on my personal blog, I get to write about the things I really care about, just for y…
DAK and the Golden Age of Gadget Catalogs
Do You Use It? Finder Tags See Focused Use - TidBITS
Do You Use It? Finder Tags See Focused Use - TidBITS
The results of our poll asking how often you use Finder tags are in, and while tags aren’t broadly popular, being reminded of what they can do for you might encourage you to use them in appropriate situations.
Do You Use It? Finder Tags See Focused Use - TidBITS
Switch off bad TV settings
Switch off bad TV settings
Watch movies like the makers intended by switching off weird smart tv settings.
Switch off bad TV settings
Examples of Great URL Design
Examples of Great URL Design
Writing about the big beautiful mess that is making things for the world wide web.
Examples of Great URL Design
Brett's Favorites 2023 -
Brett's Favorites 2023 -
Welcome to my yearly post about stuff I’ve loved in the last year. I love doing this because it reminds me how amazing the Mac/iOS app ecosystem is these days. I can’t list every app I use in this
Brett's Favorites 2023 -
Reid Hoffman is one of Silicon Valley’s grown-ups. After helping to found PayPal, he moved on to launch LinkedIn in 2002—an endeavor that turned him into a billionaire. He was an early investor in Facebook and now serves as a partner at the venture capital firm Greylock. In this edited interview with Tim Sullivan, of HBR Press, Hoffman explores his idea of “blitzscaling”—the discipline of getting very big very fast. In today’s networked landscape, the path to high-growth, high-impact entrepreneurship can be chaotic and grueling. It involves rapidly building out a company to serve a large and usually global market, with the goal of becoming the first mover at scale. And there’s no playbook to guide you, Hoffman notes. “You throw yourself off a cliff and assemble your airplane on the way down.” Hoffman emphasizes that blitzscaling is not just about growing revenues and the customer base but also about scaling the organization. People naturally focus on the first two, and “if you don’t get those right, then nothing else matters.” But very few businesses can succeed on those fronts without also building an organization that has the capability and the capacity to execute at a high level in the face of extremely rapid growth. The challenges, risks, and headaches of blitzscaling go beyond the operational; they can take a toll on organizational happiness. “But the thing that keeps these companies together—whether it’s PayPal, Google, eBay, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter,” Hoffman says, “is the sense of excitement about what’s happening and the vision of a great future.”
iA Writer 5: From Raw to Cooked to Sushi
iA Writer 5: From Raw to Cooked to Sushi
Technology evolves from raw to complex to simple. From the fist to the hand axe to the hammer. From carts to the Model T to Tesla. From switchboard-operated phones to digital phones to smartphones. From SMS to Facebook to Messenger. From the crude to the cooked to Sushi.
iA Writer 5: From Raw to Cooked to Sushi
My 12 Favorite Problems
My 12 Favorite Problems
A dozen things that drive my writing, research, thinking & actions
My 12 Favorite Problems
11 Creative Lessons from Brian Eno
11 Creative Lessons from Brian Eno
The legendary composer on the creative process, importance of deadlines, problem with software in arts and what is art actually for?
11 Creative Lessons from Brian Eno