When I went to school in the 80s and 90s, the communication between the institution and home was limited. Kids could bring home a flyer about some future event, they'd get their grades and remarks detailed in a little grey book, and once a year parents would come in for a chat with the teachers. That was basically it, and it was glorio...
Dedicate Time And Space To Not Doing - Matt Norman
Re-establishing Your Limits: Find clarity and connection by prioritizing rest and self-reflection. Discover the power of saying 'no' to say 'yes' to yourself.
Updated Taekman Zettelkasten Workflow using Devonthink, Drafts, and Obsidian-2023 Edition — Workflows in Personal and Professional Productivity
It's been a while since I posted my original entry and my workflow on Zettelkasten. Since then, my methods have evolved into a system that's working incredibly well for me. So, I thought I'd write about what I'm doing so others may use (and improve) my methods. This entry is an update to Zettelkast
How Rick Rubin, Quentin Tarantino, and Bill Simmons pay it backward
Rick Rubin with Johnny Cash. François Truffaut with Alfred Hitchcock. Quentin Tarantino with John Travolta. An examination of the artistic version of paying respect to your elders.
One financial lesson they should teach in school is that most of the things we buy have to be paid for twice. There’s the first price, usually paid in dollars, just to gain possession of the desired thing, whatever it is: a book, a budgeting app, a unicycle, a bundle of kale. But then, in order to make use of
The Mac team held another off-site retreat in Carmel in January 1983, just after the Lisa introduction (see Credit Where Due). Steve Jobs began the retreat with three "Sayings from Chairman Jobs", intended to inspire the team and set the tone for the meeting. The sayings were:
1. Real artists ship.
2. It's better to be a pirate than join the navy.
3. Mac in a book by 1986.
How I Self Published My Book to #1 on Amazon - Jim Huffman
How I Self-Published on Amazon, Became a #1 Bestseller, and My Book Beat Seth Godin for 72 Glorious Hours. The Step by Step Guide to selling books online.
Once you’ve recorded your podcast, it’s time to edit. Editing can be incredibly simple–trim the beginning and end point and be done with it–or as complicated as you want to …
I think part of what Mike Little showed with his comment on my blog that led to the creation of WordPress, is that it’s not about how many views you have, how many likes, trying to max all y…
The Bookmarking Data Model Is Wrong For Highlighting
The data model for bookmarking and highlighting services past and present can generally be distilled down to the following:
* URL * Title * Scraped Content * User Highlight * User Annotation * ... Other Metadata The bookmark itself is tied to a URL, and anything else related to the bookmark, such as the title, the scraped content (if the service scrapes on your behalf), highlights and annotations are stored as additional metadata linked to that URL.
Death & Taxes 2012 (Q&A with Jess Bachman) - Poster Giveaway! #deathandtaxes — Cool Infographics
The new 2012 Death & Taxes poster has been released, and this year it’s better than ever. Designed by Jess Bachman (ByJess.net) this poster visualizes the 2012 proposed U.S. Federal Budget. The Death & Taxes poster is one of the best infographics I’ve ever seen, a
Believe it or not, one of the most important technology announcements of the past few months had nothing to do with artificial intelligence. While critics ... Read more