

On Kids and Smartphones - Cal Newport
On Kids and Smartphones - Cal Newport
Not long ago, my kids’ school asked me to give a talk to middle school students and their parents about smartphones. I’ve written extensively on ... Read more
On Kids and Smartphones - Cal Newport
Exclusive Warren Buffett - A Few Lessons for Investors and Managers - The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss
Exclusive Warren Buffett - A Few Lessons for Investors and Managers - The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss
“This [drawing] looks good — as close as I’ve ever look to George Clooney.” – Warren Buffett. (Illustration credit: Monica Bevelin) “It’s a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.” -W. Somerset Maugham English dramatist & novelist (1874 – 1965) I have long been … Continue reading "Exclusive Warren Buffett – A Few Lessons for Investors and Managers"
Exclusive Warren Buffett - A Few Lessons for Investors and Managers - The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss
Looking good
Looking good
The other weekend I had the opportunity to run a 5k with my daughter (10) – her first such race – near Seattle Center in downtown Seattle. She first participated in a 1k kids dash witho…
Looking good
Broken Windows
Broken Windows
The concept of broken window theory was introduced by James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling in their Atlantic magazine article Broken Windows. The authors argued that visible signs of neglect chang…
Broken Windows
Founder & CEO is kinda a BS title
Founder & CEO is kinda a BS title
Founder & CEO is a common title, especially in tech. It happens to be my title too. I've come to believe it's an impossible title. You're either CEO, or you're Founder. You can't hold both full-time jobs. And unless your company is probably 100+, CEO isn't really a job anyway. It's more of a role someone needs to play occasionally. The...
Founder & CEO is kinda a BS title
Idea Fidelity
Idea Fidelity
Execution is an idea at its highest fidelity
Idea Fidelity
I'm a Blogger
I'm a Blogger
@manton recently mentioned that he was surprised about the lack of responses to a longer blog post of him. It made him doubt himself or the post. This is my whole blogging life! I’m always doubting myself. Every post I publish on my blog might drown in the deep, dark sea of the internet-void. I rarely get any “engagement” on my writings. I often think about just quitting it. What’s the purpose of writing, if seemingly nobody reads it?
I'm a Blogger
A Two-Minute Burnout Checkup
A Two-Minute Burnout Checkup
Burnout is the result of chronic stress and, at work, that stress tends accumulate around your experiences of workload, values, reward, control, fairness, and community. If any are lacking or out of sync, you may be headed toward exhaustion, cynicism, and the feeling of being ineffective. When taken regularly, this short assessment can help you gauge whether you’re on the path to burnout, and where you should focus your attention to make beneficial changes.
A Two-Minute Burnout Checkup
no good alone
no good alone
isolation is easy, living is hard
no good alone
For when someone says “I’ve seen this before, it didn’t work” — D'Arcy Coolican
For when someone says “I’ve seen this before, it didn’t work” — D'Arcy Coolican
If you’re a founder you’ve probably heard someone say “oh, I’ve seen this idea before - it didn’t work” or “isn’t this just like that other thing that person/company X tried?” As a founder, I heard this dozens of times. It’s likely to come from investors, but you hear it from other founders, potent
For when someone says “I’ve seen this before, it didn’t work” — D'Arcy Coolican
Why AI Won't Cause Unemployment
Why AI Won't Cause Unemployment
"In retrospect, I wish I had known more about the hazards and difficulties of [running] a business." -- George McGovern
Why AI Won't Cause Unemployment
Don't write a newsletter that has no chance of attracting new people to you. Join the 36,000 creative entrepreneurs who get proven newsletter growth strategies in my one-paragraph newsletter: MY BEST NEWSLETTER GROWTH RESOURCES: A Plan To Get You 10,000 Subscribers: How To Use A Newsletter To Get Clients: How To Trim The Fat In Your Newsletter: The Newsletter Booster: Newsletter Growth Tips Playlist: *** Mentioned on the episode: Josh Spector Clarity Calls: Josh Spector Skill Sessions: The Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday: The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday: Austin Kleon: John August: The Red Hand Files by Nick Cave: Freelance Writing Guide - Kaleigh Moore I Want To Know Episode: To Connect with Emily Klein: TikTok: Instagram: Website: To connect with Josh Spector: Website: Newsletter: Skill Sessions: Consulting: Twitter: Apply to be a guest on the show:
Names, names, names
Names, names, names
The Daily Record in Dunn, NC , has the highest market "penetration rate" in the country -- more than the population of the community it serv...
Names, names, names
The Nag Metric
The Nag Metric
So your key metric went up... but at what cost?
The Nag Metric
The age of average — Alex Murrell
The age of average — Alex Murrell
In the early 1990s, two Russian artists named Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid hired a market research firm to survey the public on what they wanted in a work of art. Across 11 countries they then set about painting a piece that reflected the results. Each piece was intended to be a unique a colla
The age of average — Alex Murrell