文颜 - 使用 Markdown 书写、排版,一键复制文章到微信公众号、知乎、今日头条、掘金[macOS] - 小众软件
文颜是一款使用 Markdown 格式的文章排版工具,可以一键复制文章到微信公众号、知乎、今日头条、掘金,并且支持代码高亮、公式、链接转脚注等功能。目前已开源。@Appinn
The author shares a personal story of working in high-stakes, confidential projects around the world before settling into music and writing, highlighting the importance of finding an "Honest Broker" to navigate complex situations. Reflecting on the state of music criticism, the author critiques the trend of critics seeking celebrity status, freebies, and self-aggrandizement, leading to a lack of focus on the reader's enjoyment and pleasure. Inspired by the concept of the "Honest Broker," the author transitions to a new model of criticism focused on fairness, trustworthy advice, and serving the reader's musical pleasure, aiming to educate themselves deeply and write with more clarity and imagination.