

文颜 - 使用 Markdown 书写、排版,一键复制文章到微信公众号、知乎、今日头条、掘金[macOS] - 小众软件
文颜 - 使用 Markdown 书写、排版,一键复制文章到微信公众号、知乎、今日头条、掘金[macOS] - 小众软件
文颜是一款使用 Markdown 格式的文章排版工具,可以一键复制文章到微信公众号、知乎、今日头条、掘金,并且支持代码高亮、公式、链接转脚注等功能。目前已开源。@Appinn
文颜 - 使用 Markdown 书写、排版,一键复制文章到微信公众号、知乎、今日头条、掘金[macOS] - 小众软件
How to write "About the Author" - Josh Bernoff
How to write "About the Author" - Josh Bernoff
Writing your own bio ought to be easy — after all, what do you know better than your own accomplishments? Even so, this essential little book element is often problematic for authors. Here are a few tips to help you make your “About the Author” exactly right. Reflect It’s good to take a look at...
How to write "About the Author" - Josh Bernoff
Big IDGAF Energy
Big IDGAF Energy
Experiments in Permissionless Entrepreneurship
Big IDGAF Energy
Inspiration Is Scheduled — CJ Chilvers
Inspiration Is Scheduled — CJ Chilvers
This is a chapter from the book A Lesser Photographer []. Every successful photographer I’ve known schedules their projects. Countless studies and interviews with my photo heroes confirm: Inspiration doesn’t “strike.” Inspiration is scheduled. It happens when you allow it the time and attention
Inspiration Is Scheduled — CJ Chilvers
List of common misconceptions - Wikipedia
List of common misconceptions - Wikipedia
Each entry on this list of common misconceptions is worded as a correction; the misconceptions themselves are implied rather than stated. These entries are concise summaries; the main subject articles can be consulted for more detail.
List of common misconceptions - Wikipedia
Paper Planner
Paper Planner
For the first time since college, I’m using a paper planner. And I love it! I’d forgotten how great a paper planner can be.…
Paper Planner
How I Became the Honest Broker
How I Became the Honest Broker

The author shares a personal story of working in high-stakes, confidential projects around the world before settling into music and writing, highlighting the importance of finding an "Honest Broker" to navigate complex situations. Reflecting on the state of music criticism, the author critiques the trend of critics seeking celebrity status, freebies, and self-aggrandizement, leading to a lack of focus on the reader's enjoyment and pleasure. Inspired by the concept of the "Honest Broker," the author transitions to a new model of criticism focused on fairness, trustworthy advice, and serving the reader's musical pleasure, aiming to educate themselves deeply and write with more clarity and imagination.

How I Became the Honest Broker
X 上的 John Rush:“I'm turning 35. If you're a startup founder in your 20's, read these 28 rules I learned the hard way: 1. Validate idea first. I wasted a decade building stuff nobody needed. I thought Incubators and VCs served as a validation, but I was so wrong. 2. Kill your EGO. It’s not” / Twitter
X 上的 John Rush:“I'm turning 35. If you're a startup founder in your 20's, read these 28 rules I learned the hard way: 1. Validate idea first. I wasted a decade building stuff nobody needed. I thought Incubators and VCs served as a validation, but I was so wrong. 2. Kill your EGO. It’s not” / Twitter
If you're a startup founder in your 20's, read these 28 rules I learned the hard way: 1. Validate idea first. I wasted a decade building stuff nobody needed. I thought Incubators and VCs served as a validation, but I was so wrong. 2. Kill your EGO. It’s not… — John Rush (@johnrushx)
X 上的 John Rush:“I'm turning 35. If you're a startup founder in your 20's, read these 28 rules I learned the hard way: 1. Validate idea first. I wasted a decade building stuff nobody needed. I thought Incubators and VCs served as a validation, but I was so wrong. 2. Kill your EGO. It’s not” / Twitter
The 37signals Guide to Internal Communication
The 37signals Guide to Internal Communication
The how, where, why, and when we communicate. Long form asynchronous? Real-time chat? In-person? Video? Verbal? Written? Via email? In Basecamp? How do we keep everyone in the loop without everyone getting tangled in everyone else’s business? It’s all in here.
The 37signals Guide to Internal Communication
Software done well
Software done well
There are a few tools I use regularly that make me smile, because the craftspeople who made them decided to build something with extra magic and care. By using and paying for well crafted software,…
Software done well
Research Techniques
Research Techniques
“Write early in the morning, cultivate memory, reread core books, take detailed reading notes, work on several projects at once, maintain a thick archive, rotate crops, take a weekly Sabbath, go to…
Research Techniques
Looking Closely is Everything
Looking Closely is Everything
How the pandemic taught me to look closely at the world, and how I hope to carry that forward out the other side
Looking Closely is Everything
Out to Get You
Out to Get You
Epistemic Status: Reference. Expanded From: Against Facebook, as the post originally intended. Some things are fundamentally Out to Get You.  They seek resources at your expense. Fees are hidden. E…
Out to Get You
50 Ways To Fuel A Conversation
50 Ways To Fuel A Conversation
1. Be the first to say hello. 2 Introduce yourself to others. 3. Take risks and anticipate success. 4. Remember your sense of humor. 5. Practice different ways of starting a conversation 6. Make an…
50 Ways To Fuel A Conversation