

What Happened When This Online Business Owner Quit Social Media? - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
What Happened When This Online Business Owner Quit Social Media? - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
A reader named Alexander recently pointed me toward an essay he wrote about his experiment avoiding social media for all of 2021. What caught my attention is the fact that Alexander runs an online business as a freelance copywriter. I frequently hear from people who are exhausted by the frenetic, anxiety-inducing churn of social media, […]
What Happened When This Online Business Owner Quit Social Media? - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
8 Episodes of the Tim Ferriss Show Every Writer Should Listen To
8 Episodes of the Tim Ferriss Show Every Writer Should Listen To
After listening to every single episode of the Tim Ferriss show, I curated the 8 episodes you should listen to if you want to become a better writer. Whether you're looking to build a Daily Writing Habit, overcome impostor syndrome, or generate more ideas, you can't miss these!
8 Episodes of the Tim Ferriss Show Every Writer Should Listen To
Don’t waste the good days
Don’t waste the good days
If you’re feeling creative, do the errands tomorrow. If you’re fit and healthy, take a day to go surfing. When inspiration strikes, write it down. The calendar belongs to everyone else.…
Don’t waste the good days
14 writing tactics to learn from Winston Churchill — Matt Tillotson
14 writing tactics to learn from Winston Churchill — Matt Tillotson
You may know about Winston Churchill’s prowess as an orator. But what do you know about Churchill the writer and writing teacher? Erik Larson wrote an excellent book called “ The Splendid and the Vile ” about Churchill at the time of the London Blitz. Weaved throughout the book are insights into
14 writing tactics to learn from Winston Churchill — Matt Tillotson
kung fu grippe
kung fu grippe
# The "q" trick # [**Download MP3 of "MPU 023: Workflows with Merlin Mann"**]( "MPU 023: Workflows with Merlin Mann") I mentioned this on the...
kung fu grippe
How To Raise An Adult
How To Raise An Adult
For most of my young adult life, I called my mom every time I faced a problem.
How To Raise An Adult
Carol Dweck: A Summary of The Two Mindsets
Carol Dweck: A Summary of The Two Mindsets
A summary of Carol Dweck's book Mindset, which explores our two mindsets (fixed and growth) and how they impact not only our attitudes and learning but also our outcomes.
Carol Dweck: A Summary of The Two Mindsets
35 Lessons from 35 Years of Newsletter Publishing — CJ Chilvers
35 Lessons from 35 Years of Newsletter Publishing — CJ Chilvers
My first newsletter was about ninjas in 1987. I was 12. Since then, I’ve been obsessed. I’ve created small newsletters for my own projects, and big newsletters for corporations. What ties them all together? Probably hundreds of things, but I’m lazy, so let’s start with 35. I won’t lie — most of th
35 Lessons from 35 Years of Newsletter Publishing — CJ Chilvers
Managing Music From Your Mac’s Menu Bar
Managing Music From Your Mac’s Menu Bar
As Club MacStories members know, I use my Mac’s menu bar sparingly. With Bartender, our MacStories Selects Mac app of the year, I limit my menu bar to a handful of frequently-used apps and system controls that take up as little space as possible. That cuts down on clutter and means everything will fit when
Managing Music From Your Mac’s Menu Bar
The Mirrortable
The Mirrortable
Mirrortables are to cap tables what stablecoins are to fiat currencies. They streamline and internationalize the logistical mess of angel investing.
The Mirrortable
FOMO vs. JOMO: How to Embrace the Joy of Missing Out
FOMO vs. JOMO: How to Embrace the Joy of Missing Out
To fully embrace the joy of missing out and choose to do the things that make us happy, we need to better understand what’s driving our fear of missing out.
FOMO vs. JOMO: How to Embrace the Joy of Missing Out
run your own race
run your own race
by Carrie Moyer A couple years ago I found myself drifting away from a close friend because I realized that he always made me feel weirdly… judged. Not in the sense that I did anything to upset him, but because it felt like he was always assessing everything around him to see if it conformed to his standard of good taste
run your own race
What did you expect?
What did you expect?
If you open a roadside motel, expect that tired and demanding budget travelers will arrive. If you run a fancy restaurant, don’t be surprised if people will angle and cajole and lie to get a …
What did you expect?
The Imperfectionist: Wisdom for the end of the year
The Imperfectionist: Wisdom for the end of the year
​ ​ ​ Wisdom for the end of the year Instead of a regular edition, here's a holiday special, featuring seven of the most powerful snippets I've added recently to my digital equi...
The Imperfectionist: Wisdom for the end of the year
I’ve spent the better part of the past year writing and publishing this newsletter. Over that time, a lot of people have asked me how I do it. I thought I’d spend time answering everyone’s questions by sharing my step-by-step framework.