

A note taking problem and a proposed solution
A note taking problem and a proposed solution
It's too painful to quickly get frequent notes into note taking and related platforms. has an open API and a great UI that can be leveraged to simplify note taking processes.
A note taking problem and a proposed solution
3 Notion Templates For Writers: Outline And Organize Drafts — Red Gregory
3 Notion Templates For Writers: Outline And Organize Drafts — Red Gregory
I’ve found that writing inside Notion is quite pleasing due to the clean interface. The ability to organize narrative elements inside a database is one of many advantages for writers. In this template bundle I created a jumping off point for bloggers, freelancers, and book writers to start drafting
3 Notion Templates For Writers: Outline And Organize Drafts — Red Gregory
Work backwards
Work backwards
Any time you’re planning, spend some time working backwards. Ask “what’s the key state I’m aiming for?”, then ask “what unlocks or enables that?”. And repeat.
Work backwards
25 Habits of Highly Effective Managers
25 Habits of Highly Effective Managers
Sharp folks from across the First Round community share the small habits that great managers do, including delivering feedback with care, opening up about failure, and sending praise up the chain.
25 Habits of Highly Effective Managers
On Pace and Productivity - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
On Pace and Productivity - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
One of the books I’m reading on vacation at the moment is John Gribbin’s magisterial tome, The Scientists. I’m only up to page 190 (which is to say, only up to Isaac Newton), but even early on I’ve become intrigued by a repeated observation: though the scientists profiled in Gribbin’s book are highly “productive” by any […]
On Pace and Productivity - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
Scott Ginsberg on Asking (Better) Questions
Scott Ginsberg on Asking (Better) Questions
What kinds of questions do you usually ask people? We often ask Yes/No questions--they're simple and direct. But when simplicity and directness aren't our only goals, Yes/No questions can be problematic. They surface a minimum of new information because they...
Scott Ginsberg on Asking (Better) Questions
Getting Stuff Done By Not Being Mean to Yourself - The Open Heart Project
Getting Stuff Done By Not Being Mean to Yourself - The Open Heart Project
I’ve spent a lot of time in my life trying to force myself to do things. Really good things. Things that are important to me. Things like meditating, journaling, going to the gym, and so on. I set schedules over and over. (I will rise at 5. Meditate, 530-630. Journal 630-730. Breakfast 8-9, and so... READ MORE
Getting Stuff Done By Not Being Mean to Yourself - The Open Heart Project
How I Created A $350 Million Software Company Knowing Nothing About Software – TechCrunch
How I Created A $350 Million Software Company Knowing Nothing About Software – TechCrunch
I’ve always wanted to make a lot of money, have people pay a lot of attention to me and do a lot of exciting things. I just never knew how. Many of my friends who are founders of their own companies tell me how they exhibited the entrepreneurial spirit as a kid -- they sold candy out of their backpacks, had a landscaping business during the summer, etc. They created value and learned the virtues of hard work early on. But that wasn’t me.
How I Created A $350 Million Software Company Knowing Nothing About Software – TechCrunch
THE GAP by Ira Glass
THE GAP by Ira Glass
I think it was in the time of spring 2012, when I came across David Shiyang Liu's lovely piece of work about Ira Glass. It was the most inspiring and motivating…
THE GAP by Ira Glass
Apps That I Use To Run My Businesses - Ian Grabill
Apps That I Use To Run My Businesses - Ian Grabill
A list of apps that I either pay for or use for free to help me run my businesses. The goal being to give other business owners ideas for tools or new products.
Apps That I Use To Run My Businesses - Ian Grabill
💸 Framework: Go where the money is
💸 Framework: Go where the money is
Before we dive in, a recommendation (not an ad). Solo Capitalist is a fantastic new newsletter by my friend Wes Kimbell. He profiles million-dollar creator businesses and distills the techniques and frameworks they use to grow them. Now on to today's framework. 💡 The ideaHow do you know even before the
💸 Framework: Go where the money is