Video: Podcast with Zoom and Audio Hijack

The Dubrovnik Interviews: Marc Andreessen - Interviewed by a Retard
The Internet King on why the Internet is a force for good, on media conformity, the inevitable triumph of the WEIRD, Crypto, Retards, etc.
How hard did Steve Jobs work? Did this change over time? - Quora
Passport – Stratechery by Ben Thompson
Announcing Passport, the new infrastructure supporting Stratechery.
The power of anti-goals
Using inversion to solve problem from different perspective.
'Just Say No' Is Bad Productivity Advice
Saying no to tasks and interruptions isn’t always possible, whether they come from your spouse or manager. Here’s a better way to stay productive.
On Digital Gardening, Blogs, and Knowledge
Make Classics, Not Content - More To That
Content is the commodification of creativity. To make something you're proud of, make a classic instead.
Writing Routines Worth Stealing
Tips to keep you from banging your head on your desk.
6 Steps to Becoming a More Compelling Creator.
If you’re looking to build online, you must be compelling. And if you dive deep into the most compelling creators online today, they operate differently than the average creator.
Joan Didion Essay About Being Rejected by Her Top College | Wow Writing Workshop
The author Joan Didion By Joan Didion This piece, about the author's college rejection from her first-choice college, appeared in The Saturday Evening Post April 16, 1968. “Dear Joan,” the letter begins, although the writer did not know me at all. The letter is dated April 25, 1952, and for ...
Make Your Soul Grow: 84-Year-Old Kurt Vonnegut's Wonderful Letter to a Group of High School Students | HighExistence
"Practice any art... not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming , to find out what's inside you, to make your soul grow."
The Attention Diet
Distractions have become so pervasive in the digital age that we've come to accept them as normal. Here's how we can escape their grip and free our minds a little.
Social Media Isn't the Problem... We Are
When I was a kid, there were serious discussions in churches, schools, and in front of Congress about whether the music my friends and I listened to might be satanic. I remember my friend’s mother making him throw away all of his Metallica tapes. I remember hiding the parental warning labels when asking my mom to buy the new Pantera album. I can still see my father breaking my Bone Thugs-N-Harmony CD in half when he realized they dropped more F-Bombs than Nixon in Cambodia. In case anyone asks, this is the album that caused the downfall of human civilization. By the time I reached adolescence, the grown-ups had moved on from offensive music and commenced their hysterics over the corruptive forces of violent video games. The Columbine Massacre in 1999 was peak hand-wringing about violent entertainment. Back then, school shootings were still a rare occurrence. And it was only fitting that such an incomprehensible act be explained by such a new and incomprehensible form of entertainment. Sorry. Correction. This video game is what caused the downfall of human civilization. Today, we chuckle at the hair metal bands of …
42 Joseph Campbell Quotes to Help You Conquer Your Hero's Journey | HighExistence
Creator of the infamous Hero's Journey, and the man who coined the term 'follow your bliss', these Joseph Campbell quotes will help you slay your dragons.
How to Write Creative Fiction: Umberto Eco's Four Rules
Umberto Eco (1932–2016) was one of the bestselling authors of all time. In Confessions of a Young Novelist, he shares some unique advice for writing fiction.
Sebastian Junger’s Focused Retreat - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
In 1991, Sebastian Junger suddenly found himself with time to think. He had wounded himself with a chainsaw at his day job as a climber for a tree pruning company in Gloucester, Massachusetts, and was laid up recovering. Morbidly inspired by the experience, Junger became interested in the idea of writing a book about dangerous […]
Unbounded Possibility is Bad for Productivity - BiteofanApple
Jay-Z 'Decoded' exclusive excerpt: Dad taught me how to be an artist and hip hop changed the 'hood'
In this exclusive excerpt, the notoriously private megastar and businessman offers a rare and honest glimpse into his life, from growing up in Brooklyn to building an empire.
Types of Blogs
17 questions that changed my life
How Stratechery founder Ben Thompson built a one-person newsletter that generates about $3 million and became the envy of journalists
Thompson's daily newsletter is beloved in Silicon Valley. By one estimate, his solo enterprise will make more than $3 million in revenue this year.
Differentiation Strategy: What It Is, Why It's Critical, and How To Get It Right | CXL
Most brands and products are boring and plain. An effective differentiation strategy can help you stand out. Here's what it takes.
A better internet built on Bitcoin. Claim your domain.
Timeless: Jeff Bezos at Startup School 08, The True Origins of AWS, Space and Why Amazon Always Wins • Podcast Notes
Key Takeaways: From 2008: “Amazon’s real business down the line will be its cloud services. Amazon will be like a book store that serves cocaine out the back door. Books will just be a front to sell storage and cloud computing [Insert Evil Laugh]” – Jeff Bezos All companies want to get from idea to […]
The Art of Note-Making
Tired of capturing notes that don't go anywhere? Think like a craftsman and give intentional note-making a try.
The Feed
Blogging as a forgiving medium - Austin Kleon
Compared to the first draft world of social media, blogging is a much more forgiving space.
blogging and the blogosphere – Snakes and Ladders
How to Ask Useful Questions – Josh Kaufman
Asking useful questions is a skill, and it requires practice.