Е-Ресурси Институт за родови студии
Razlike između dezinformacija, misinformacija i malinformacija - Medijska pismenost
Zbog čega je umjesto izraza lažne vijesti ili fake news bolje koristiti termin dezinformacije te što su misinformacije i malinformacije - objasnile su autorice Iva Nenadić i Milica Vučković u našoj edukativnoj brošuri o dezinformacijama
Мисинформација - Google Search
What is Gendered Disinformation? | Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung | Tel Aviv - Israel
One can say that fake news is old news, and so are misogyny, sexism, and gender stereotypes. What has changed in the digital era is the ease of coordinating, financing, and propagating disinformation campaigns.
Report - A Conceptual Analysis of the Overlaps and Differences between Hate Speech, Misinformation and Disinformation (June 2024)
what is Website Design Mockups - Google Search
What Is a Website Mockup? | Coursera
Explore what a website mockup is and how it can be a ...
Fact Check: Guidelines for USA TODAY's fact check program
Our fact-check program will uphold the standards and ethics that guide our entire newsgathering and reporting process
How to Fact Check - "Fake News" & Misinformation - Macdonald-Kelce Library at The University of Tampa
Learn how to evaluate news sources, identify unreliable sources, misinformation, and conspiracy theories
Understanding Information disorder - First Draft
What is fake news? - "Fake News," Misinformation & Disinformation - Research Guides at Temple University
How to identify (and avoid) false information.
Fostering Media Literacy in the Age of AI: Examining the Impact on Digital Citizenship and Ethical Decision-Making | ResPublica
In today's interconnected and technology-driven world, examining the impact of artificial intelligence and digital media on individuals' understanding and
Navigating the Digital Era: Media Literacy in the Age of AI - Blogs - International Council for Media Literacy
The fast progress of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have raised the need of understanding how AI shapes the media we consume.
AI and media literacy - Google Search
AI and digital literacy - Google Search
AI Literacy: A Framework to Understand, Evaluate, and Use Emerging Technology
Fact Checking Tools - Media Literacy - Research Guides at Lakehead University
Web Sites for Fact Checking - Misinformation and Disinformation: Thinking Critically about Information Sources - CSI Library at CUNY College of Staten Island Library
This Research Guide is adapted from a guide developed by the Research Center at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism
Types of mis-and disinformation - "Fake News," Misinformation & Disinformation - Research Guides at Temple University
How to identify (and avoid) false information.
Tools That Fight Disinformation Online | RAND
RAND researchers developed a searchable online database that provides information about tools that fight online disinformation, particularly on social media.
Web site created using create-react-app
70 Best AI Fact Checker tools - 2024
Discover the best 70 paid and free AI AI Fact Checker, and find their features and pricing. Find the best AI tools for AI Fact Checker.
13 AI-Powered Tools for Fighting Fake News - The Trusted Web
Want to read our recently published State of Misinformation 2021 Report? Click HERE. The typical…
How To Fact Check AI Generated Content In 7 Steps
Ensure AI generated content is accurate by double checking it. Cross reference, use reputable fact checkers, and more to stop online misinformation.
Пакет со алатки за транспарентност: Северна Македонија
Што се чет-ботови и како да ги препознаеме? | Blog | Hive Mind
Минувањето време на интернет покрај своите позитивни исходи ги има и негативните, кои најчесто допринесуваат за малициозни тенденции од страна на лица кои имаат тенденција да нанесат штета. Едни од нив се генерирани од ВИ, познати под називот чет-ботови.
Родовата рамноправност во медиумите (Шести дел): Дигиталната безбедност и онлајн родово заснованото насилство | Balkansmedia is a web platform planned to be a central space for journalists in the Balkans