

Annoying Technology
Annoying Technology
Annoying Technology curates the daily annoyances in the technologies surrounding us.
Annoying Technology
Chris Wiegman
Chris Wiegman
Software engineer, teacher, aspiring writer and ex-pilot currently focused on WordPress, developer experience and humane and sustainable technology.
Chris Wiegman
Lucy Keer
Lucy Keer
Testing out having a notebook blog
Lucy Keer
Bastian Rieck
Bastian Rieck
The personal homepage of Bastian Alexander Rieck
Bastian Rieck
Blog -
Blog -
The random musing of a science fiction author and event organizer
Blog -
Why You Should Start a Blog Right Now - Alexey Guzey
Why You Should Start a Blog Right Now - Alexey Guzey
Reddit discussion with 100 comments here. Summary: in this post I explain why you should start a blog (to help others and to help yourself), what to write about, and how to start it. I hope to persuade you that you should start a blog even if you feel that you have nothing to say and even if almost nobody will read it. What to write about I looked over all of my writing and determined that it all originated from one of the following: I repeatedly gave the same advice to my friends Why You …
Why You Should Start a Blog Right Now - Alexey Guzey
Content Creation
Content Creation
As a creator, you should call yourself what you are. Content is a trivialising and demeaning term for your work.
Content Creation
Get off Twitter if you want to see your friends’ posts —Doug Belshaw's Thought Shrapnel “Tyler Freeman wrote a script to analyse the tweets he’s shown in his algorithmic Twitter timeline. 90% of his friends (i.e. the people he chose to follow) ever made it to the main feed.”
Get off Twitter if you want to see your friends’ posts —Doug Belshaw's Thought Shrapnel “Tyler Freeman wrote a script to analyse the tweets he’s shown in his algorithmic Twitter timeline. 90% of his friends (i.e. the people he chose to follow) ever made it to the main feed.”
Tyler Freeman wrote a script to analyse the tweets he's shown in his algorithmic Twitter timeline. 90% of his friends (i.e. the people he chose to follow) ever made it to the main feed. The diagram below shows the 90% in grey, withthe people he follows in orange, strangers are in blue, and ads ar
Get off Twitter if you want to see your friends’ posts —Doug Belshaw's Thought Shrapnel “Tyler Freeman wrote a script to analyse the tweets he’s shown in his algorithmic Twitter timeline. 90% of his friends (i.e. the people he chose to follow) ever made it to the main feed.”
Remi Kalir
Remi Kalir
Remi Kalir
Jorge Arango
Jorge Arango
Information architect, author, and educator
Jorge Arango
Gareth K Thomas
Gareth K Thomas
Writing about the future of tech + education.
Gareth K Thomas
Parimal Satyal -
Parimal Satyal -
Parimal Satyal is a designer and occasional writer interested in aviation, cultural exchange, languages, science, computers, the open web and the European Union. is his personal website with his writing, music and links.
Parimal Satyal -
Zach Leatherman (zachleat)
Bryce Wray’s website | Observations, opinions, geekiness
Welcome to leihu
Welcome to leihu
The personal site of Artist, Writer, and Outlaw James A Mathias
Welcome to leihu
Adam Keys is typing
Adam Keys is typing
Developer and engineering manager at large
Adam Keys is typing