about - Stian's Notes

GitHub - MaggieAppleton/digital-gardeners: Resources, links, projects, and ideas for gardeners tending their digital notes on the public interwebs
Resources, links, projects, and ideas for gardeners tending their digital notes on the public interwebs - GitHub - MaggieAppleton/digital-gardeners: Resources, links, projects, and ideas for garden...
Categories - Greene Gardens
TL;DR A digital garden is a place for writings, currently most-often from a single author (mainly because good collaborative digital gardening systems haven’t become available yet), that are explicitly framed as a “work in progress”, and so any given piece of writing is presumed to not necessarily have any particular level of quality, finality, “polish”, etc. Thus it is a way of framing and relating to publishing “content” (ideas, thoughts, notes, etc.) that lowers friction for the author to...
How to Start a Photo Blog: A Quick Guide for Beginners
Whether it’s professional photography or just a hobby, the .blog extension is perfect for anyone looking to start a new photo blog and take full ownership of a little piece of the internet.
Rapture in Everything
Enjoying everything way too much.
Jon Udell
Strategies for Internet citizens
bavatuesdays | a "b" blog
doubleloop - tech + politics + nature + culture
tech + politics + nature + culture
· roytang.net
Roy Tang's blog. Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart. Randomly amazed.
Librarian of Things
making sense of a networked world
s2z Photography Blog
photography, photobooks, notes, idea, quotes & thoughts
Lost in South-East Albion.
My Notes – These are my reading notes
Desert of My Real Life
Media, Technology, and Education
__About these notes__ - rscottjones ideas notebook
Powered by Obsidian Publish.
Matthew Bischoff
Matthew Bischoff They design & develop apps at Lickability and post about tech & culture here.
Tara Talks
How to's, app reviews, study tips and more
Mythical Type
Chuck Grimmett
Visit the post for more.
bonkerfield | bonkerfield
just your standard information identity spacetime field
Tom McFarlin | Software, Development, and WordPress
Software, Development…
Bobulate - for Intentional Organization
for Intentional Organization
Quitting Instagram and Facebook: The Perspective of 8 Artists
This video includes insights from Anne Butera of My Giant Strawberry, Jen McCleary, Kristen Sampson, Julia Bausenhardt, Nicole Cicak, Kelsey Rodriguez, and Sneha of Essem Creatives as well as Gwenn Seemel.
The Technium
User interface designer, developer, hardware tinkerer & minimalist · tdarb.org
The personal blog of Bradley Taunt
My Cheapskate Commenting System · tdarb.org
user interface designer, developer, hardware tinkerer & minimalist.
Low-tech Magazine refuses to assume that every problem has a high-tech solution. A simple, sensible, but nevertheless controversial message; high-tech has become the idol of our society.
The blog, projects, and assorted output of Tom MacWright
The Forest
Rediscover the joy of getting lost on the web