Air CD Disinf--Low Concentrations

Air CD Disinf--Low Concentrations

#Humidity "#pandemic control"
Inactivation of Airborne Influenza Virus Using Low Concentration of Chlorine Dioxide: About the Relative Humidity-dependency | Semantic Scholar
Inactivation of Airborne Influenza Virus Using Low Concentration of Chlorine Dioxide: About the Relative Humidity-dependency | Semantic Scholar
****!!!!!***** Using a methodology that can maintain low chlorine dioxide concentration in air even under high humidity, examined the effect of humidity on airborne influenza virus inactivation at a very low gas concentration. It was shown that chlorine dioxide at less than 0.02-0.03 ppm has an ability to inactivate airborne influenza virus under 50% and 70% RH conditions. However, from a viewpoint of infection control, these researchers believed it is a minor effect which is merely additional to the major effect by the humidity itself, when considering the actual load of viruses released from an influenza patient in a room space and still active after certain time. Low concentrations of chlorine dioxide also make much less difference under 30% relative humidity levels common in winter." Original paper
Inactivation of Airborne Influenza Virus Using Low Concentration of Chlorine Dioxide: About the Relative Humidity-dependency | Semantic Scholar