experimental observation of chlorine dioxide disinfection and degradation in tunnel air
****!!!!****!!!!**** "ClO2 decreased from 10 mg/m3 to 0.8 mg/m3, and the degradation time was 81 min. Reduced to 0.3 mg/m3, degradation time is 96 min; Reduced to 0 mg/m3, the degradation time was 2 h.10 mg/m3 disinfection dose for 30 min, and the total number of bacteria and the number of fungi were 94.6% and 92.1%, respectively. Conclusion ClO2 disinfected the pit air spray with a concentration of 1 000 mg/L and 10 ml/m3, and the sterilization effect was the best for 30 min."
Research progress and trend of gas chlorine dioxide application technology
"In the field of health care, gaseous chlorine dioxide should be further promoted." "The concentration of the 8 h weighted concentration value (0.28 mg/m3) was exposed for a long time to achieve the purpose of eliminating common indoor bacteria. In the case of killing bacterial spores, higher relative humidity is required, generally not less than 60% RH. The higher relative humidity can wet the outer wall of the spore to expand it to facilitate the attachment and penetration of gaseous chlorine dioxide, while the high humidity environment increases the risk of corrosion of gaseous chlorine dioxide"
Effect of low‐concentration chlorine dioxide gas against bacteria and viruses on a glass surface in wet environments
****!!!!****!!!!*** "This study demonstrates that the low-concentration ClO2 gas (mean 0·05 ppmv) inactivates various kinds of microbes such as Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, enveloped and nonenveloped viruses in the wet state."
Disinfection performance of chlorine dioxide gas at ultra-low concentrations and the decay rules under different environmental factors
****!!!!****!!!!**** (2020). [It seems that light source was solely sunlight through glass window] "The illuminance was adjusted by opening or closing the curtain in the office"
A study of the properties of chlorine dioxide gas as a fumigant
****!!!!**** "We demonstrated here that ClO[2] gas is easily generated by mixing 3.35% sodium chlorite solution (Purogene) and 85% phosphoric acid at a 10:1 volume ratio..." "Under high-humidity (approximately 80% relative humidity), colony formation of both Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli was completely inhibited by ClO2 gas exposure at 1.0 ml/m3 sodium chlorite solution (mean maximal concentration of 3.0 ppm). Exposure at 4.0 ml/m3 sodium chlorite solution (mean maximal concentration of 10.6 ppm) achieved complete inactivation of Bacillus atrophaeus spores. In contrast, without humidification, the efficacy of ClO2 gas was apparently attenuated, suggesting that the atmospheric moisture is indispensable. Delicate electronic devices (computer, camera, etc.) operated normally, even after being subjected to more than 20 times of fumigation."
Raytec Pioneers Latest Chlorine Dioxide Technology
****!!!!****!!!!*** "One of Raytec's patents covers the use of dry-media chlorine dioxide in air filtration systems. These systems use a multi-stage oxidizing process, which allows for the decontamination of air and the discharge of clean air without residual chemicals. Raytec has built and tested several of these filters,which can be used as a continuous treatment process in buildings, homes, malls, airplanes and any other environments where indoor air quality is of concern." "The main application for Raytec's tea bag technology is as a wash to sanitize produce and other products suspected to be contaminated with bacteria of any kind."
The sporicidal activity of chlorine dioxide gas on Paenibacillus larvae spores
"American Foulbrood Disease devastates honey bee hives by infecting and propagating in developing honey bee larvae. Although the disease has been characterized for decades, treatment strategies outside of burning infected hives do not exist. This study was conducted to determine whether chlorine dioxide gas kills spores of the honey bee pathogen, Paenibacillus larvae, the causative agent of American Foulbrood Disease. Chlorine dioxide was highly effective at preventing germination of spores suspended in water and spores adhered to pine, steel, and bees wax" "Sporicidal efficacy was dependent on treatment time and gas concentration with effective ClO2 concentrations of 645 ng/ml for 30 min, 195 ng/ml for 1 h, 21 ng/ml for 2 h, or 16 ng/ml for 4 h. Treatment of surfaces with 230 ng/ml ClO2 for one h or 195 ng/ml ClO2 for 2 h completely inactivated P. larvae spores. "
Efficacy of chlorine dioxide gas in reducing Escherichia coli and Salmonella from broiler house environments
"this studyinvestigated the efficiency of gaseous ClO2application for disinfecting broiler houses bycollecting air samples before and after fumigation using a passive method. Fumigation wasperformed with 125 mL or 250 mL of ClO2 liquid (containing 2,000 ppm of ClO2)" "Air samples were collectedat 10 min, 1 h, 3 h, 6 h, and 12 h before and after fumigation to evaluate the air quality in termsof the concentration ofE. coliandSalmonella."
Disinfection efficiency of chlorine dioxide gas in student cafeterias in Taiwan
****!!!!****!!!*** "A single ClO2 application was found to reduce the bacterial and fungal concentration levels by as much as 65% and 30%, respectively. By contrast, a twice-daily ClO2 application was found to reduce the bacterial and fungal concentration levels by as much as 74% and 38%, respectively. The statistical analysis results showed that the residual bacterial concentration level was determined primarily by the number of individuals present in the cafeteria, the temperature, and the ClO2 concentration, whereas the residual fungal concentration level was determined mainly by the temperature, the total number of suspended particles, and the ClO2 concentration."
Inhibition of Hyphal Growth of the Fungus Alternaria alternata by Chlorine Dioxide Gas at Very Low Concentrations
****!!!!****!!!!*** {Original paper at https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/yakushi/127/4/127_4_773/_pdf} "The efficacy of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas at very low concentrations for hyphal growth of Alternaria alternata related to fungal allergy was evaluated... ClO2 gas (average 0.075 ppm, 0.21mg/l) inhibited hyphal growth of the fungus, but not germination of fungal spores. The hyphal length was more than 1780mm under air conditions(control)and 49±17mm unde rClO2 gas conditions for 72 h. According to the international chemical safety card, threshold limit values for ClO2 gas are 0.1 ppm as an 8-h time-weight average and 0.3 ppm as a 15 min short-term exposure limit. From these data, we propose that treatment with ClO2 gas at very low concentrations in space is a useful tool for the growth inhibition of fungi in the fields of food, medicine,etc. without adverse eŠects"
Preventive effect of chlorine dioxide release drug against influenza-like illness [Translation from Japanese]
****!!!!*** {Original visuals at https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jsei/25/5/25_5_277/_pdf/-char/en} "The preventive effect against influenza-like illness by low-concentration chlorine dioxide gas was examined among Japan Ground Self Defense Force soldiers and civilians at a particular camp assigned for this study. The chlorine dioxide gas-exposed group consisted of all individuals who worked in a particular building, and the unexposed group consisted of all individuals who worked in the neighboring building. After this trial, a questionnaire survey was carried out to establish the demographic data of each group, how many members had influenza-like illness in each group, and how many members were immunized against influenza. The results showed that the relative risk of influenza-like illness after chlorine dioxide gas exposure was 0.32 (95% confidence interval between 0.15 and 0.69), although the vaccination rate in the exposed group was lower than the unexposed group. This result suggests that chlorine dioxide gas has preventive effects against influenzalike illness."
/ The usage of chlorine dioxide for disinfection of air ~Russia
"Sanitary and hygienic studies were carried out to assess the real danger of finely dispersed chlorine dioxide aerosols when processing air in rooms for personnel of medical organizations. High concentrations of chlorine dioxide are retained in the air during exposure and removed after ventilation. Evaluation of the safety of the use of three "sachets", which, upon activation, emit chlorine dioxide in the form of vapor, was carried out on white rats, taking into account various toxicity indicators. Recommended for use in the adult population."
Development of Chlorine Dioxide Dynamic Disinfection System
****!!!!****!!!** 2015 "When disinfecting some large public places such as stations and exhibition centers, the traditional air disinfection methods cannot be disinfected when personnel are not evacuated, which has certain limitations. In view of the characteristics of chlorine dioxide being harmless to human body at low concentration, obvious disinfection effect and no residual pollutants, the shortcomings of traditional disinfection methods can be overcome, and a dynamic disinfection system with chlorine dioxide as the disinfection medium is designed."
APPENDIX B. Air Concentration Calculations for Comparison to OSHA Standards ~OSHA
***** {Calculation methods for air concentrations of gas in ppm"the OSHA PEL in mg/m3 is absolutely fixed and not subject to corrections for temperature and pressure." "This constraint implies that volume concentration of gases in parts per million (ppm) must be with reference to some defined temperature and pressure; these are NTP (25 °C and 760 mm Hg) in the OSHA PEL limit."
Centrifugal chlorine dioxide atomization system applied to air purification in traditional markets-Search
"this article attempts to develop a "centrifugal chlorine dioxide atomization system" and install it in an air-conditioning box in a traditional market, so as to explore the cleanliness of the air-conditioning system itself and the immediate improvement of the total bacterial concentration in the air. The situation is expected to be used as a reference for the improvement of indoor air quality in central air-conditioning system buildings."
A race against time for urgent scientific research on new long-acting disinfection products
****!!!!*** "“Compared with the traditional spraying method of disinfectant, slow-release chlorine dioxide can achieve long-term continuous disinfection without covering dead corners. It is a better disinfection method." "In response to the application needs of sterilization and disinfection, based on the previous technical reserves, the fastest research and development of the slow-release chlorine dioxide technology as the core Disinfection and sterilization gel provides a green, safe, long-term and efficient new method of sterilization and sterilization for this special battle "epidemic"."
BIOTAB 7 product label ~EPA
March 2020. "BACTERICIDE, FUNGICIDE, AND DEODORANT FOR THE EGG ROOM: Prepare a solution of 40 ppm and add to humidifier water tank to control build-up and airborne spread of odor- causing microorganisms. Prepare a solution of 20 ppm and add to the water supply in the egg washing machine." "BACTERICIDE, FUNGICIDE, AND DEODORANT FOR USE IN INCUBATOR HUMIDIFICATION SYSTEMS Prepare Biotab7 solution and ******* inject into humidification water supply. Prepare according to directions at 300 ppm." "1.0 ppm manganese removed for every 2.45 ppm of product above pH 7. 1.0 ppm iron removed for every 1.2 ppm of product above pH 5. Prepare according to directions at 5 ppm."