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experimental observation of chlorine dioxide disinfection and degradation in tunnel air
experimental observation of chlorine dioxide disinfection and degradation in tunnel air
****!!!!****!!!!**** "ClO2 decreased from 10 mg/m3 to 0.8 mg/m3, and the degradation time was 81 min. Reduced to 0.3 mg/m3, degradation time is 96 min; Reduced to 0 mg/m3, the degradation time was 2 h.10 mg/m3 disinfection dose for 30 min, and the total number of bacteria and the number of fungi were 94.6% and 92.1%, respectively. Conclusion ClO2 disinfected the pit air spray with a concentration of 1 000 mg/L and 10 ml/m3, and the sterilization effect was the best for 30 min."
experimental observation of chlorine dioxide disinfection and degradation in tunnel air
Inhibition of Hyphal Growth of the Fungus Alternaria alternata by Chlorine Dioxide Gas at Very Low Concentrations
Inhibition of Hyphal Growth of the Fungus Alternaria alternata by Chlorine Dioxide Gas at Very Low Concentrations
****!!!!****!!! "The efficacy of chlorine dioxide (ClO(2)) gas at very low concentrations for hyphal growth of Alternaria alternata related to fungal allergy was evaluated using a fungus detector. The fungus detector is a plastic sheet with a drop of spore-suspending medium, and it makes possible clear observations of hyphal growth with a light microscope. ClO(2) gas (average 0.075 ppm, 0.21 microg/l) inhibited hyphal growth of the fungus, but not germination of fungal spores. The hyphal length was more than 1780 mum under air conditions (control) and 49+/-17 microm under ClO(2) gas conditions for 72 h. According to the international chemical safety card, threshold limit values for ClO(2) gas are 0.1 ppm as an 8-h time-weight average and 0.3 ppm as a 15 min short-term exposure limit. From these data, we propose that treatment with ClO(2) gas at very low concentrations in space is a useful tool for the growth inhibition of fungi in the fields of food, medicine, etc. without adverse effects."
Inhibition of Hyphal Growth of the Fungus Alternaria alternata by Chlorine Dioxide Gas at Very Low Concentrations
Statistical evaluation of disinfection performance of chlorine dioxide and WAHW in improving indoor air quality of university library - ScienceDirect
Statistical evaluation of disinfection performance of chlorine dioxide and WAHW in improving indoor air quality of university library - ScienceDirect
**** "single-daily disinfection mode (SM), a twice-daily disinfection mode (TM), and a regular disinfection mode (RM). It is inferred that a higher air velocity is beneficial in spreading the disinfectant within the indoor space and improving the disinfection efficiency as a result."
Statistical evaluation of disinfection performance of chlorine dioxide and WAHW in improving indoor air quality of university library - ScienceDirect
Evaluation of disinfection efficiency in pet's hospital by using chlorine dioxide
Evaluation of disinfection efficiency in pet's hospital by using chlorine dioxide
2016. {CD in vet office air. Contains precise air measurements} This study performed an experimental investigation into the efficiency of two different gaseous chlorine dioxide (0.3 mg m−3) treatments in disinfecting a local pet's hospital, namely a single, one-off application and a multiple-daily application. In both cases, the ClO2 was applied using strategically-placed aerosol devices. The air quality before and after disinfection was evaluated by measuring the bioaerosol levels of bacteria and fungi. The experimental results found that the average background levels of bacteria and fungi prior to ClO2 disinfection were found to be 2014 ± 1350 and 1002 ± 669 CFU m−3, respectively. A single ClO2 application was found to total disinfected bacteria and fungi concentration levels by as much as 57.3 and 57.6%. By contrast, a multiple-daily ClO2 application was found to total disinfected bacteria and fungi concentration levels by as much as 65.1 and 57.6%. Among the two disinfection methods, the multiple-daily ClO2 application method was found to yield a higher disinfection efficiency for bacteria, i.e., 16.28 ± 0.92%.
Evaluation of disinfection efficiency in pet's hospital by using chlorine dioxide