High street DIY teeth whitening kits 'can erode enamel and make teeth more sensitive' | Daily Mail Online
three that were tested contained ****sodium chlorite [rather than actual chlorine dioxide], which significantly reduced hardness and increased surface abrasions***.
Periodontal tray application of chlorine dioxide gel as an adjunct to scaling and root planing in the treatment of chronic periodontitis - ScienceDirect
Clinical improvement after periodontal tray application of chlorine dioxide gel as an adjunct to scaling and root planing (SRP) in the treatment of ch…
An antimicrobial oxychlorine oral rinse composition for preventing and treating oral malodor and diseases, tooth decay with improved palatability and tissue compatibility, includes an aqueous chlorine dioxide and chlorite ion solution with the chlorite ion predominating in the multiple oxychlorine rinse composition. A method for preparing such antimicrobial oxychlorine oral rinse composition comprising 3 ppm to about 200 ppm of chlorine dioxide, by first preparing an aqueous solution with about 7 to 400 ppm of chlorite ion; then an aqueous acidifying agent concentrate which, upon introduction to the chlorite solution, reduces its pH to about 4.5 to 6.0; then a second aqueous buffer-producing oxidant combination concentrate. The first acidifying agent concentrate is added to the chlorite ion solution and the second aqueous buffer-producing oxidant combination concentrate is added to the acidified chlorite ion solution, producing an antimicrobial oxychlorine oral rinse composition at about 5.0 to 6.8 pH.
The possibilities of reducing oral pathogen microorganisms, the dental use of chlorine dioxide
*****!!!**** {Solumium} "High purity ClO2 solution is significantly more effective than CHX, NaOCl and Listerine in case of aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria and Candida." "Titrations showed that ***dentin powder depleted the ClO2 *** amount to 70% by the end of the first minute. This means, that minimum 40 ppm ClO2 remained of the 66 ppm. The reduction of ClO2 did not stop at any intermediate stage, but continued until chloride,till the end of the reaction" "The high purity ClO2 has no pulp tissue dissolving effect." "In vivo, high purity ClO2 solution significantly decreases the salivary S. mutans and total bacteria count even after one rinse" "ClO2does not interact with the CHX and does not increase the amount of toxic PCA found inCHX, so their simultaneous use is secure in the root canal" "There was no significant change in the number of S. mutans, L acidophilus and C.
albicans" "ClO2 solution is significantly more effective than other currently used disinfectants in case of aerobic, facultative anaerobic bacteria (E. faecalis, S. mutans) and Candida."
Dental Water Treatment Product Selection Guide - How effective is your treatment?
*Shock treatments* contain high-level disinfectants that are strong enough to remove biofilm. They effectively remove (or "shock the system") bacteria and biofilm but are not safe for patient contact...Combine Continuous with Shock - always use both a shock treatment and a continous treatment if you want consistently safe waterlines. Test Quarterly - it's the only way to know if what you're doing is working. DOWNLOAD THE Dental Water Treatment SELECTION GUIDE... Continuous treatment--failure rate of all of treatment products together is still 31%.... Daily liquids category chlorine dioxide based chemistries. They are added to the independent water bottle of waterlines each time it is refilled. This one of the least popular methods... the data indicates that the ***actual effectiveness results are the lowest category tested.***
{Solumium} We observed an antibacterial effect of ClO2 and NaOCl gas phases onE. faecalis growth, but not of CHX. ClO2eliminates intracanal biofilm and keeps root canal nearly free from bacteria. "his molecule is unique because it dissolves in aqueous solutions, oil as well as apolar organic solvents. Therefore, ClO2 is not only a surface disinfectant. It has the ability to penetrate into the skin and ucous membranes in a few tenth of millimeters depth" "metastabilized 0.04% and 0.16% chlorous acid/ClO2 (MECA) mouthwash was also found beneficial" "Solumium Dental (1200 ppm ClO2) and Solumium Oral (300 ppm ClO2)" "Mixed-on-site 10% (Clidox-S) or 13.8% (BioClenz) ClO2 solutions... However, the 10% and the 13.8% mentioned in these papers were probably mistakenly written as ClO2 concentration, they are rather the sodium chlorite (precursor) concentrations,"
A Comparison of the Bleaching Effectiveness of Chlorine Dioxide and Hydrogen Peroxide on Dental Composite
The obtained results show that chlorine dioxide is slightly superior to hydrogen peroxide in the bleaching of composites, while maintaining the shade of the composite close to the baseline.
Active Chlorine Dioxide Oral Rinse (Patented) With so many mouth rinses to choose from, a choice can be a difficult one at best. Allow us to explain to you the difference and the importance of true,...
Matching oral rinses to individuals (promotes use of Chlorine Dioxide)
With research linking gingival inflammation to many systemic conditions, it's now more critical than ever to provide patients the information to make informed decisions.
Lab Tests: Closys Oral Rinse Eliminated COVID-19 Virus up to 98.4% in 30 Seconds
In vitro laboratory analyses tested Closys Ultra Sensitive Oral Rinse's effectiveness in reducing SARS-CoV-2. The product does not use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or povidone iodine.
Disclosure: We value transparency at Today’s RDH. This article is sponsored content from OraCare as part of our sponsored partner program. According to Web MD, “we all need saliva to moisten and cleanse our mouths and digest food. Saliva also prevents infection by controlling bacteria and fungi in the mouth. When we don’t produce enough saliva, our […]
****** Volatile sulfur compounds impede wound healing."One way chlorine dioxide can improve cytokine immune response is to kill those ****pathogens which initiate pro-inflammatory cytokines." "Chlorine dioxide neutralizes not only VSCs but also the polyamines." "Hydrogen sulfide, the other major volatile sulfur compound, is mentioned for its ability to accelerate cell death partly through the increase of apoptotic p 53 proteins, and the promotion of an increase in reactive oxygen species through the decrease of SOD. Osteoblasts are suppressed by HS and this may be another way bone loss is initiated along with collagen loss. Even though chlorine dioxide is a free radical itself, this study also suggests that chlorine dioxide would stop the decrease in SOD and thus **promote anti-oxidant glutathione** levels and therefore the health in the tissues it affects by removing the hydrogen sulfide that causes reduction in SOD. The free radical effect of chlorine dioxide is brief but the removal of HS is prolonged."
Uses of Inorganic Hypochlorite (Bleach) in Health-Care Facilities
**TABLE 1. Microbicidal effect of free chlorine on microorganisms. "Immersion in sodium hypochlorite removed 5.6 log units of bacteria found on Dental impressions contaminated by in vivo use and was the most effective disinfectant (versus chlorine dioxide, etc) tested." "CHARACTERISTICS OF THE IDEAL DISINFECTANT--Positives and negatives of bleach"1997
Patent: Oral care composition ~Micropure, Perry Ratcliff
"A stable mouth wash or dentifrice composition containing stabilized chlorine dioxide and phosphates is disclosed for reducing the motility of and killing microbial pathogens. The preferred concentration ranges are between about 0.005% - 0.5% chlorine dioxide, and between about 0.02% - 3.0% phosphate. The phosphate retards escape of chlorine dioxide in the pH range (6.0 to 7.4) typically found in a mouth"
Chlorine dioxide: An ideal preprocedural mouthrinse in dental set-up
Background: Aerosols generated during ultrasonic scaling is a potential risk factor for cross-contamination in dental settings. The aim of this study is to evaluate and compare the efficacy of commercially available chlorine dioxide as preprocedural mouthrinses in reducing the level of viable bacteria in aerosols. Materials and Methods : This single-center clinical double-blinded study was conducted over a period of 4 months. A total of 80 patients were divided randomly into two groups (A and B) of 40 patients each to receive the chlorine dioxide mouthwash and water as preprocedural rinse. ...
Clinical use of Chlorine dioxide in the prevention of coronavirus spread through dental aerosols.
****!!!!*** "hypothesis as to why ClO2 is safe even in higher concentrations when added to the dental unit waterlines in order to minimize the virus transmission through dental aerosols."
Polymers prevent potentially hazardous mist during dentist visit: During a pandemic, the problem of aerosolized saliva droplets at a dentist's office is acute
If the mist in a dentist's office -- sent flying into the air by spinning, vibrating tools -- contains a virus or some other pathogen, it is a health hazard. So researchers studied the viscoelastic properties of food-grade polymers and discovered that the forces of a vibrating tool or dentist's drill are no match for them. Not only did a small admixture of polymers completely eliminate aerosolization, but it did so with ease.
Numerous Research articles on Chlorine Dioxide for oral treatments ~CloSYS
List of Publications describing CloSYS technology & products download For Dry Mouth: Xerostomia: A common condition on the rise download Xerostomia: Help Patient Cope download For Mouth Sores: Oral Care for Mouth Sores download Oral Sores & Cancer Treatment download Helping Cancer Patients w/ oral mucositis dow