Corporate Revolutionary Library

Corporate Revolutionary Library

Waste Not, Want Not: A Simplified Value Stream Map for Uncovering Waste
Waste Not, Want Not: A Simplified Value Stream Map for Uncovering Waste
This article describes a simplified form of Value Stream Maps that makes it easy to visualize bottlenecks and inefficient processes in the software delivery lifecycle. It focuses on the two forms of Lean waste defined as Inventory and Waiting.
Waste Not, Want Not: A Simplified Value Stream Map for Uncovering Waste
SAFe Lean-Agile Principles - Scaled Agile Framework
SAFe Lean-Agile Principles - Scaled Agile Framework
The impression that ‘our problems are different’ is a common disease that afflicts management the world over. They are different, to be sure, but the principles that will help to improve the quality of product and service are universal in nature. —W. Edwards Deming, Out of the Crisis [1] SAFe Lean-Agile Principles Figure 1. SAFe Lean-Agile Principles Why the Focus on Principles? Building enterprise-class software and cyber-physical systems are among the most complex challenges our industry faces today. And, ofRead more
SAFe Lean-Agile Principles - Scaled Agile Framework
Misconceptions about Kanban | Extreme Uncertainty
Misconceptions about Kanban | Extreme Uncertainty
There is an enormous amount of confusion and misinformation about Kanban. This article will clear up some of the major misconceptions that surround this topic. Let's go through them one by one. You have to choose between Kanban and Scrum The most common misconception I’ve found is that people think you have to choose between
Misconceptions about Kanban | Extreme Uncertainty
Doing ChatOps in Microsoft Teams
Doing ChatOps in Microsoft Teams
The Bot Framework in Microsoft Teams links applications and services to instant messaging and group chat. Microsoft launched Teams, a collaborative platform in Office 365, in March 2017 and has recently added new functionality enabling use for ChatOps. It has also announced that Teams will replace Skype for Business.
Doing ChatOps in Microsoft Teams