The engineers who build and run Kickstarter share a behind-the-scenes look at their work, from approaches to open source and code review to feature releases.
The engineers who make Etsy make our living with a craft we love: software. This is where we'll write about our craft and our collective experience building and running the world's most vibrant handmade marketplace.
The eBay Tech Blog is a platform for the company’s engineers, researchers, and product managers to share their work with the worldwide technical community.
Theory Of Constraints Institute offers advisory services, business coaching and training workshops that inspire decisive action and improve business performance significantly.
“Rugged” describes software development organizations that have a culture of rapidly evolving their ability to create available, survivable, defensible, secure, and resilient software.
IT Revolution - Helping Technology Leaders Succeed
Learn how high-performing IT organizations compete and win in the marketplace through curated books, research, and events such as DevOps Enterprise Summit.
The primary goal of any DevOps effort within an organisation is to improve the delivery of value for customers and the business, not in itself to reduce costs, increase automation, or drive everything from configuration management; this means that different organisations might need different team structures in order for effective Dev and Ops collaboration to take place.
The Field Guide to Understanding 'Human Error': Dekker, Sidney
The Field Guide to Understanding ’Human Error’ will help you understand a new way of dealing with a perceived 'human error' problem in your organization.
The Unicorn Project: A Novel About Developers, Digital Disruption, and Thriving in the Age of Data (Audible Audio Edition): Gene Kim, Frankie Corzo, IT Revolution Press
This highly anticipated follow-up to the best-selling title The Phoenix Project takes another look at Parts Unlimited, this time from the perspective of software development.