Database of Korean Theses DBpia

Všeobecné zrcadlo digitální Asie
Database of Korean Primary Sources 한국의 지식콘텐츠-역사, 예술, 문학
Database of Korean Classics 한국고전종합DB
Korean Law Information Center
Korean History and Culture research database 한국 역사 문화 조사 자료 데이터베이스
Archive of Korean democracy 오픈아카이브
Korean national Archive 국가기록원
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Culture 한국민속대백과사전
Encyclopedia of Korean Culture 한국민족문화대백과사전
The Veritable of the Joseon Dynasty 조선왕조실록
Korean history database 한국사데이터베이스
Seoul Museum of History
Korean War Propaganda Leaflets (NDSU)
H-Buddhism Buddhist Studies Bibliography
KOSIS Korean Statistical Information Service
Korea City Plans
The Korean War: Collections & Resources |
Sanskrit Dictionary
UCLA Asia Pacific Center
Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages
Web Assisted Learning and Teaching of Tamil | University of Pennsylvania
A Door Into Hindi | Afroz Taj
Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries | IITS Koeln
SOAS Library | SOAS University of London
Asia Research Institute | The University of Nottingham
American Institute for Sri Lankan Studies