Parallells - Text Comparison
China Core Newspapers Full-text Database | CNKI
Taiwan Academic Classics | 臺灣學術經典
Chinese Religious Text Authority
The Kumarajiva Project | Khyentse Foundation
Bamboo and Silk manuscripts 簡帛網》簡帛研究中心
Modern China Biographical Database
Chinese Text Project (
Buddha Nexus
Medicine and Religion in China
The Ten Thousand Rooms Project | Yale University
The Digital Analysis System for Humanities 數位人文研究平台 | Academia Sinica
The Online Index of Chinese Buddhism
Resources for East Asian Language and Thought
A Digital Comparative Edition and Partial Translation of the Shorter Chinese Saṃyukta Āgama (T.100)
Yuan shi 元史 | 国学网站 — 原典宝库
Yuan shi 元史
Contemporary Chinese Village Gazetteer Data 数字村庄 數字村莊
International Dunhuang Project | IDP