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Don Omar - Taboo - YouTube
Don Omar - Taboo - YouTube
Download now on: iTunes: Amazon: Visit for more music and news from Don Omar. Best of Don Omar / Lo mejor de Don Omar: Subscribe here:
Don Omar - Taboo - YouTube
Don Omar - Salio El Sol (Official Music Video) - YouTube
Don Omar - Salio El Sol (Official Music Video) - YouTube
REMASTERED IN HD! Best of Don Omar / Lo mejor de Don Omar: Subscribe here: Music video by Don Omar performing Salio El Sol. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 2,111,408. (C) 2006 Machete Music / VI Music #DonOmar #SalioElSol #Remastered
Don Omar - Salio El Sol (Official Music Video) - YouTube
Don Omar - Virtual Diva - YouTube
Don Omar - Virtual Diva - YouTube
REMASTERED IN HD! Best of Don Omar / Lo mejor de Don Omar: Subscribe here: Music video by Don Omar performing Virtual Diva. (C) 2009 Machete Music #DonOmar #VirtualDiva #Remastered
Don Omar - Virtual Diva - YouTube
Trio Mandili - Lipka (Polish-Georgian folk) - YouTube
Trio Mandili - Lipka (Polish-Georgian folk) - YouTube
Our CD-albums are available on Facebook: Instagram:
Trio Mandili - Lipka (Polish-Georgian folk) - YouTube
Man Kunto Maula | Orchestral Qawwali | Abi Sampa | Rushil | Amrit - YouTube
Man Kunto Maula | Orchestral Qawwali | Abi Sampa | Rushil | Amrit - YouTube
Recorded Live at Soundscape Studios Vocal by Abi Sampa Produced by Rushil Tabla by Amrit Dhuffer Engineered and Mixed by Chris Cara Mastered by Alex Psaroudakis Video by Andrew Britton - Limelight Films Harmonium by Fram Karbhari Violin by Nicholas Efthymiou Cello by Lydia Alonso Singers: Jatinder Kwatra Jatin Sirpal Sathyandran Ketheeswaran Violins: Jubilent Amalendran Gemma Bryan Johnson Aahil Damani Special thanks to PRS foundation and Arts Council England for funding this project Man Kunto Maula is a Qawwali composed by Amir Khusrao Lyrics Shah-E-Mardaan, Shair-E-Yazdaan, Qoowwat-E-Parwardigaar, La Fata illa Ali, La Saif illa Zulfiqaar King of the brave, the Lion of God The Strength of the The Lord, There is no one like Ali, There is no sword like Zulfiqaar Man Kunto Maula Fa haza Ali-un Maula Whomever I am master to, Ali is his Master too. (Abstract Sufi Chants follows) Dara Dil E Dara Dil E Dar E Dani Hum Tum Tanana Nana, Tana Nana Ray Om Tum Tanana Nana, Tana Nana Ray Yalali Yalali ala, Yala Ray Tanana Tanana Tanana Tanana Tum Tanana Nana, Tana Nana Ray… Enter into the heart, Enter into the heart, Melt therein, You and me Sing inside in sweet melody. Maula Ali Maula Maula Ali Maula Master is Ali, Master is he Haider-E-Um Qalandaram Mastam Banda-E-Murtaza Ali Hastam Peshwa-E-Tamaam Rindanam K Sag-E-Koh-E-Shair-E-Yazdanam Ali Maula, Maula Ali Maula Maula Ali Maula, Maula Ali Maula A Haidari (Haidar is a title for Imam Ali which means Golden), a mystic drowned in devotion am I Nothing more than a humble servant of Ali-e-Murtaza (Ali the Chosen of God) am I And yet the foremost amongst all mystics am I For a dog laying in the street of my Lord Ali, am I
Man Kunto Maula | Orchestral Qawwali | Abi Sampa | Rushil | Amrit - YouTube
Кара-Суу. Алтайское горловое пение - YouTube
Кара-Суу. Алтайское горловое пение - YouTube
"Кара-Суу" (Родник) Данил Данжеев, Алан Самоев, Эзендей Балбин Ноябрь 2019 (Живой звук / Live sound) Текст песни / Lyrics : Мёнкунен аккан Кара-Суу Ичеримде jакшызын, Мёш буркеген Алтайым Jурегимде jаражын. Табырап аккан Кара-Суу Ичеримде jакшызын, Тал буркеген Алтайда Jуреримде jакшызын. Тайганан аккан Кара-Суу Ичеримде jакшызын, Таш jабынган тайгалар Кёрёримде jaражын "Алтайское горловое пение" - Алтын Туу Spotify iTunes Apple Music Amazon YouTube Music Яндекс.Музыка ВЕК за кадром в Instagram:
Кара-Суу. Алтайское горловое пение - YouTube
Слово Баатыра. Горловое пение - YouTube
Слово Баатыра. Горловое пение - YouTube
Данил Данжеев, Алан Самоев, Эзендей Балбин Июнь 2019, Горный Алтай "Баатырдыҥ сӧӧзи" (слово Баатыра) (Живой звук / Live sound) Текст песни / Lyrics : Кеен чӱмдӱ бу Алтайда, Кебис jараш бу jалаҥда, Ак тайганыҥ эдегинде, Ак талайдыҥ jарадында Тегин эмес jӱрӱм jӱрген Баатырыс jуртаган. Ары кӧрзӧ, андый эмес, Бери кӧрзӧ, мындый эмес, Ары кӧрзӧ - айудый, Бери кӧрзӧ - бӧрӱдий, Коркор сӧс ол билбес Баатырыс jуртаган. Алтайынаҥ алкышту: Аткан огы чике тийер, Эткен эдим эптӱзи Минген ады jаражы, Айткан сӧзи чечени. Угыгар, угыгар, угыгар! Калганчыда баатыр айткан: "Келер-келер бу чактарда Кебис jараш бу jалаҥда, Кеен чӱмдӱ бу Алтайда Кубулар, кубулар, jӱрӱмис! Алтайыма чак келер, Албатыбыс азып jӱрер, Ачу корон суу ичип, Албатым астыгар Алтайда, Алтайда, Алтайда! Кижи, кижи, оҥдошпой, Jаҥ блаажып согужар. ӧскӧ калык ол келип, ӧскӧ jаҥ га ӱредер. ӱредер, ӱредер, ӱредер! Качан бирде Алтайга Алтай баатыр уул келер. Албатыбыс ойгонып, Алтай jаҥын бирлик билип, Jаранар ,jаранар, jӱрӱмис Перевод: На этом прекрасном нарядном Алтае, На этой равнине, красивой как ковёр, На склоне белой горы, На берегу белого моря, Жизнь не зря проживающий Батыр жил. Туда посмотрит – не такой, Сюда посмотрит – не сякой, Туда посмотрит – как медведь, Сюда посмотрит – как волк, Не знающий страшного слова Жил батыр. Благословенный Алтаем: Стрела его прямо попадает, Дела его расторопны, Лошадь его красива, Слова его красноречивы. Слушайте, слушайте, слушайте! Напоследок батыр сказал: В будущем На этой равнине, как ковёр, На этом прекрасном нарядном Алтае, Изменится, изменится наша жизнь. Придёт (такое) время на мой Алтай, Наш народ собьётся с пути, Будет пить горькую ядовитую воду, Мой народ уменьшится (числом) На Алтае Люди в смятении Будут биться, оспаривая закон (веру) Другой народ придёт, Приучит к другому закону (вере). Однажды на Алтай Придёт молодой Алтай-батыр Народ наш проснётся, Алтай вновь станет единым, Наладится, наладится наша жизнь. "Алтайское горловое пение" - Алтын Туу Spotify iTunes Apple Music Amazon YouTube Music Яндекс.Музыка ВЕК за кадром в Instagram:
Слово Баатыра. Горловое пение - YouTube
Алтайское горловое пение - YouTube
Алтайское горловое пение - YouTube
Данил Данжеев, Эзендей Балбин Июнь 2019, Горный Алтай (Живой звук / Live sound) "Алтайское горловое пение" Spotify iTunes Apple Music Amazon YouTube Music Яндекс.Музыка ВЕК за кадром в Instagram:
Алтайское горловое пение - YouTube
Les Choeurs de l'Armée Rouge Alexandrov - Kalinka - YouTube
Les Choeurs de l'Armée Rouge Alexandrov - Kalinka - YouTube
Les Choeurs de l'Armée Rouge Alexandrov et Vadim Ananiev (aka Mr Kalinka) interprètent l'un des titres les plus connus internationalement du répertoire russe : Kalinka.
Les Choeurs de l'Armée Rouge Alexandrov - Kalinka - YouTube
Congo To Cuba - Putumayo - YouTube
Congo To Cuba - Putumayo - YouTube
Putumayom é a palavra e o nome de um pássaro, a Garça. Colegas. A coletânea de músicas que reuniu nas jornadas foi uma resposta positiva na Colômbia e em diversas nações, onde viajou em 1974, que posteriormente veio do nome do Rio Putumayo . Em 1991, a caminho de casa de Bali , Dan Storper parou em San Francisco, Califórnia. No Golden Gate Park , ele ouviu a banda nigeriana Kotoja. Ele ficou impressionado com a música e o modo como reuniu muitas pessoas diferentes.
Congo To Cuba - Putumayo - YouTube
Quimey Neuquén - YouTube
Quimey Neuquén - YouTube
Provided to YouTube by Sony Music Entertainment Quimey Neuquén · Los Trovadores Los Trovadores Cronología - Música en Folklore (1970) ℗ 1970 Sony Music Entertainment Argentina S.A. Released on: 1970-08-30 Producer: Unknown Performance Arranger: Damián José Sánchez Composer: Marcelo Berbel Lyricist: Milton Aguilar Auto-generated by YouTube.
Quimey Neuquén - YouTube
Tuvan Throat Singing | Alash | TEDxBaltimore - YouTube
Tuvan Throat Singing | Alash | TEDxBaltimore - YouTube
Imagine a human bagpipe-a person who could sing a sustained low note while humming an eerie, whistle-like melody. For good measure, toss in a thrumming rhythm similar to that of a jaw harp, but produced vocally-by the same person, at the same time. Recorded at TEDxBaltimore January 2016. Alash are masters of Tuvan throat singing, a remarkable technique for singing multiple pitches at the same time. Masters of traditional Tuvan instruments as well as the art of throat singing, Alash are deeply committed to traditional Tuvan music and culture. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Tuvan Throat Singing | Alash | TEDxBaltimore - YouTube
달의하루(Dareharu) 『염라(Karma)』 MV - YouTube
달의하루(Dareharu) 『염라(Karma)』 MV - YouTube
달의하루(Dareharu) 『염라(Karma)』 MV Instrumental Link Credit :: Animation - 람다람 (RDR) Word/Music - ampstyle Vocal - 초희 (Chohee) Solo Guitar - AZ Additional Guitar - seibin Additional Key - ミツキヨ (Mitsukiyo) Bass - 유경환 (Kyung-hwan Yoo) Produced by ampstyle Contact :: 달의하루 Official Twitter @Dare_haru ampstyle Twitter @ampstyle_ 초희(Chohee) Twitter @choheesingsing 람다람(RDR) Twitter @rrr001222 AZ Twitter @AZ_Guitarist seibin Twitter @_seibin ミツキヨ Twitter @mitsukiyo_5 유경환 Twitter @KyunghwanYoo 구독 (Subscribe) Copyright ⓒ Dareharu. All Rights Reserved. E-mail. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 염라 바라봤을 뿐인 얼굴 떠오르지 않나요? 네. 꺼림칙한 건 나인데 신경 쓰이잖아요? 희미해져 가는 게 사라져 없어져 버린다는 게 망설임은 항상 내 편 물어 볼 수 조차 없죠 대체 어디로들 가는 건지 몰라 인생 마지막의 숨을 든 채로 몸을 던져 버리잖아 색 바랜 기록 위에 눈물 닿아도 빛은 돌아오지 않아 구겨진 기억만을 안고 살고 싶다면 누구에게 말해야만 해? 가장 바라고 가장 두려운 것은 마음의 저편에 두고 온 나인데 어느새 손에 쥐어져 거짓말처럼 아 아미타 (그래요 그래요 좋아요 좋아요 나예요 나예요) 아미타 바라지 않는 거라도 좋아. (그래요 그래요 좋아요 좋아요 나예요 나예요) 아미타 두려워도 괜찮을 거라고 (위로하는 그 소리) 거짓말 (뻔한 엔딩 그 스토리) 타임라인 저 아득히 아래 쌓여버리겠지 처음으로 지은 표정 귀엽다고 해줘요? 네. 거짓말 하는 건 난데 회자정리인가요? 슬그머니 거릴 두는 게 당신이 먼저 다가왔던 건데 배신감은 항상 독차지 칠흑같은 관계의 색 대체 언제 그렇게 발라 둔 지 몰라 인생 마지막 순간인 것 처럼 눈을 감고 다니잖아 관계도 처럼 줄이 그어져 있어 너와 나 어느 사이에 뒤틀린 추억만을 공유하고 싶다면 누구에게 말해야만 해? 가장 바라고 가장 두려운 것은 마음의 저편에 두고 온 나인데 어느 새 손에 쥐어져 거짓말처럼 아 아미타 (그래요 그래요 좋아요 좋아요 나예요 나예요) 아미타 바라지 않는 거라도 좋아. (그래요 그래요 좋아요 좋아요 나예요 나예요) 아미타 두려워도 괜찮을 거라고 애써 연기를 해도 가면을 쓰고 하면 어떡해? 정론이지만 해답으로선 오답인거네 한 치 틀림 없이 어긋난 관음 관심 관용 관세음 너와 나의 추종자가 숨을 손에 품고 귀의를 잃어버린 꿈에 미련은 없는거야 후회는 하지만 사랑했었지만 사랑받은 기억은 거짓말처럼 아 아미타 (그래요 그래요 좋아요 좋아요 나예요 나예요) 아미타 바라지 않는 거라도 좋아. (그래요 그래요 좋아요 좋아요 나예요 나예요) 아미타 두려워도 괜찮을 거라고 (위로하는 그 소리) 거짓말 (뻔한 엔딩 그 스토리) 타임라인 저 아득히 아래 쌓여버리겠지 0:00 Intro 0:17 A1 part 0:45 B1 part 1:00 C1 part 1:40 Interlude 1:55 A2 part 2:23 B2 part 2:38 C2 part 3:07 Piano solo 3:14 Guitar solo 3:25 Bridge 3:47 C3 part 4:29 Credit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you Gracias ありがとう 謝謝啦 Terima kasih ขอบคุณค่ะ Спасибо 고마워요🌕 ----------------------------------------------------------------- English subtitles have been added. 日本語の字幕が追加されました Se han agregado subtítulos en español. เพิ่มคำบรรยายไทย 添加了简体中文字幕 한국어 자막이 추가되었어요. Sous-titres français ajoutés 添加台灣中文字幕 자막이 추가되었어요.🎞️ ----------------------------------------------------------------- #염라 #Karma #달의하루
달의하루(Dareharu) 『염라(Karma)』 MV - YouTube
BREATHTAKING ■ Keanu Reeves Song feat. Natalia Natchan ■ Cyberpunk 2077 - YouTube
BREATHTAKING ■ Keanu Reeves Song feat. Natalia Natchan ■ Cyberpunk 2077 - YouTube
🎵 DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN: ➡ Follow us on Spotify: Everybody needs someone who cares. This summer at E3 Keanu Reeves warmed the hearts of millions of gamers around the globe by showing up on the stage of the CD Projekt RED Cyberpunk 2077 event and making us all feel Breathtaking. This is a love song to everyone's favourite actor, who unintentionally connected so many people and brought them into one whirlpool of kindness and joy. And puppies! 👍 Love the song? SUBSCRIBE for more gaming meme music stuff and LIKE the vid! 🎵 Listen on Spotify: 🎵 Listen on Apple Music: 🎵 Listen on Google: 🎵 Listen on Deezer: ➡ Buy the song: ➡ Support the team and get cool bonuses: ➡ Follow us on Twitter: We are The Chalkeaters, the gaming music project based in St. Petersburg, Russia. We make songs and music videos about the gaming industry and related memes. Also yes, seems like we predicted Half Life Alyx. Wow. ■■■ Song “Breathtaking” by The Chalkeaters Executive producer / songwriter Alios [ ] Sound producer, arranger and engineer Masel [ hire: ] Guitars and choir production by Ergy [ ] Art director / lead artist Pondis [, ] Lead animator / post production Lenich [ ] Storyboard artist / supporting artist Yumi the Cat [ ] 2D effects animator / backgrounds artist Hunternif [ ] ■■■ Lead vocals by Natalia Natchan aka PiNKII [ ] Dog Riders Choir by Finchet Under Cover, Yumi the Cat, Xineko, Chaos Angel, Felya, Vasya, Dima Litvinov, Masel, Viktoria Pankova, Ergy, Hunternif, Lenich Mastered at ■■■ Special thanks to Vasya, Mikhail Matlashov, Arvianth and nnamovych for ideas and feedback! Special thanks to TheQuartering [ ] and Gundam Redband [ ] who helped us boost our previous release! Very special thanks to Chaos Angel for voicing The Pup in credits! :D
BREATHTAKING ■ Keanu Reeves Song feat. Natalia Natchan ■ Cyberpunk 2077 - YouTube
Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster (Official Video) - YouTube
Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster (Official Video) - YouTube
Official video for Daft Punk's "Harder Better Faster" from the album Discovery. Stream: Explore the incredible Daft Punk catalogue on iTunes here: Like all songs from the album Discovery, the music video for "Aerodynamic" is a scene from the film Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem, which features no dialogue, but rather songs from Discovery throughout the whole film. Like Daft Punk on Facebook: Official Website: Official YouTube Channel: #DaftPunk #HarderBetterFaster #Vevo
Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster (Official Video) - YouTube
World is mine - live HD - Hatsune Miku - YouTube
World is mine - live HD - Hatsune Miku - YouTube
THIS IS Hatsune miku singing one of her more poplular songs, world is mine! :D i do love this song, its awesome. If any of u are big enough fans, u can c that its a shortend version for the concert itself, ^^ ATTENTION, HER NEXT CONCERT WILL BE IN CALIFORNIA!!! July 2cnd los angeles! Heres the download link:
World is mine - live HD - Hatsune Miku - YouTube
Daft Punk - High Life (Official Video) - YouTube
Daft Punk - High Life (Official Video) - YouTube
Official video for Daft Punk's "High Life" from the album Discovery. Explore the incredible Daft Punk catalogue on iTunes here: Like all songs from the album Discovery, the music video for "High Life" is a scene from the film Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem, which features no dialogue, but rather songs from Discovery throughout the whole film. Like Daft Punk on Facebook: Official Website: Official YouTube Channel:
Daft Punk - High Life (Official Video) - YouTube
Daft Punk - One More Time (Official Video) - YouTube
Daft Punk - One More Time (Official Video) - YouTube
Official video for Daft Punk's "One More Time" from the album Discovery. Explore the incredible Daft Punk catalogue on iTunes here: "One More Time" remains Daft Punk's biggest commercial hit to date. It was first released as a single in Nov. 2000 and later included in their 2001 Discovery album. Like Daft Punk on Facebook: Official Website: Official YouTube Channel: #DaftPunk #OneMoreTime #Vevo
Daft Punk - One More Time (Official Video) - YouTube
Shibayan Records x deadman 死人 - Tiny Little Adiantum (Remix) [Omae Wa Mou] - YouTube
Shibayan Records x deadman 死人 - Tiny Little Adiantum (Remix) [Omae Wa Mou] - YouTube
Check out the original song "Tiny Little Adiantum" by Shibayan Records, 3L, and nachi here: Follow me: Follow Shibayan Records: @Shibayan Records #OmaeWaMou #ShibayanRecords #Remix
Shibayan Records x deadman 死人 - Tiny Little Adiantum (Remix) [Omae Wa Mou] - YouTube
Kentucky All State Choir - National Anthem - 2019 - YouTube
Kentucky All State Choir - National Anthem - 2019 - YouTube
Every night of the All State Choir conference at about 11pm, everyone comes out to the balconies of the 18 story Hyatt hotel to sing the National Anthem ©2019 Ben Vivona
Kentucky All State Choir - National Anthem - 2019 - YouTube
Down in the river to pray COLORADO ALL STATE TREBLE CHOIR 2019 - YouTube
Down in the river to pray COLORADO ALL STATE TREBLE CHOIR 2019 - YouTube
Down in the River to pray - Arr. Jace Wittig *not the same as the choir that sings the national anthem* Also the "oh they're above us" is referring to the soloists directly above us as we couldn't see where they were like we could see the rest of the soloists throughout the piece
Down in the river to pray COLORADO ALL STATE TREBLE CHOIR 2019 - YouTube
Most Beautiful Haunting & Powerful Female Vocal Music | Best Dramatic Evocative Vocal Music Mix - YouTube
Most Beautiful Haunting & Powerful Female Vocal Music | Best Dramatic Evocative Vocal Music Mix - YouTube
Subscribe for more epic music: Like our page on facebook: Publisher: Colossal Trailer Music Composers: Composed by Michael Maas, Emir Isilay, Lee Barbour, Darren Rutter, Thomas Hjorth, Laura Vall, Sandro S. Composer, Henrik Åström, Kevin Smithers, Velvet Mind Records, Uyanga Bold, Aeralie Brighton, Claudie Mackula, Sasha Bogdanowitsch and Sydney Lauren. featuring: Featuring Christine Hals, Carrah Stamatakis, Aeralie Brighton, Uyanga Bold, Claudie Mackula, Laura Vall, Sasha Bogdanowitsch, Ganavya Doraiswamy, Sydney Lauren, Kaitlyn Rebecca Swicegood, Hannah Byrne, Kaori, Doo and Gaby Koss. Album: ''Submersive'' TRACKLIST: 00:00 Submersive 01:27 In Too Deep 03:28 Quiet Moon 05:13 Paralyzed 06:39 Ocean Lullaby 08:09 Solitude 09:34 Deep in the Ocean 11:21 The Pull of the Sea 12:56 A Song for the Sea 14:18 Han Dure the Sailor 15:31 Follow Your Path 16:57 Endless Drifter 18:31 A Distant Lament 19:40 Chant of the Deep Sea 20:26 Fallen Sailor 21:51 The Swallowing Sea 23:25 Alatulya 24:27 Forgotten MORE INFO: buy original tracks/album on: itunes: amazon: Collosal Trailer Music: itunes: facebook: youtube: WALLPAPER: PROMOTION: Want to promote your own music, videos or arts in our channel? Fill this short form to submit your work IMPORTANT: I am not creator/owner of audio and wallpaper you see in this video! If you want to use music that is promoted in this video, than please contact with music owner(s)! License to use this music in this video was given directly from music owner/artist. CONTACT WITH US: feel free to contact with us if something is missing, video removal, adding more information, music/video/image submission e-mail: twitter: facebook: submit your work: official site:
Most Beautiful Haunting & Powerful Female Vocal Music | Best Dramatic Evocative Vocal Music Mix - YouTube
Most Epic Angelic Soprano Angèlia Grace sings Time (Inception) by Hans Zimmer [cover] - YouTube
Most Epic Angelic Soprano Angèlia Grace sings Time (Inception) by Hans Zimmer [cover] - YouTube
PRE-ORDER NEW ALBUM CRYSTAL VOICE: CROWDFUNDING FOR NEW ALBUM: SUBSCRIBE TO NEW OFFICIAL CHANNEL FOR MORE MUSIC VIDEOS: DOWNLOAD FREE SONG: ♥ Like, Share, Comment & Subscribe ♥ Angèlia Grace improvises with her Angelic voice on the soundtrack Time from the Hollywood movie Inception which was composed by film score composer Hans Zimmer. More soundtrack covers are waiting to be released. What soundtrack cover do you want Angèlia to sing? Answer in the comment section below! Website: Facebook: Twitter: Angèlia Grace is a self-taught transformational singer and a motivational speaker. As an independent transformational artist she writes, composes, produces and releases her own music. This promising artist is often referred as the next Enya. Her mission is to inspire, uplift and motivate mankind with her music and her motivational speaking to encourage everyone to live their lives to their absolute fullest potential. No copyright infringement intended. All credits go to the creators of this incredible soundtrack.
Most Epic Angelic Soprano Angèlia Grace sings Time (Inception) by Hans Zimmer [cover] - YouTube
polyphonic overtone singing - Anna-Maria Hefele - YouTube
polyphonic overtone singing - Anna-Maria Hefele - YouTube
by Anna-Maria Hefele | want to learn overtone singing? New video workshop! ⇊⇊⇊ more info: ⇊⇊⇊ my ECM - album finally got released! sign up for my newsletter! overtone singing is a voice technique where it seems like one person sings two notes at the same time. You can sing the overtone scale on one fundamental. Another fundamental has its own overtone scale, so in order to have more overtones to sing nice melodies, you can use different fundamentals and change them while singing. this video is live, and every human being is capable of learning overtone singing ;) If you want to learn more about it and how to do it yourself: This video is under copyright. feel free to post and embedd the video. no stealing & re uploading on other websites or channels. If you want to buy a license or use a small part of the video for something creative of your own contact me & ask me first via Thanks for showing respect to the creative artist of your choice!!!
polyphonic overtone singing - Anna-Maria Hefele - YouTube