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Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners
Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners
This complete 134-part JavaScript tutorial for beginners will teach you everything you need to know to get started with the JavaScript programming language.⭐...
Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners
SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners
SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners
In this course, we'll be looking at database management basics and SQL using the MySQL RDBMS. Want more from Mike? He's starting a coding RPG/Bootcamp - The course is designed for beginners to SQL and database management systems, and will introduce common database management topics. Throughout the course we'll be looking at various topics including schema design, basic C.R.U.D operations, aggregation, nested queries, joins, keys and much more. You can get PopSQL to follow along here: 🔗Company Database Code: ⭐️ Contents ⭐ ⌨️ (0:00) Introduction ⌨️ (2:36) What is a Database? ⌨️ (23:10) Tables & Keys ⌨️ (43:31) SQL Basics ⌨️ (52:26) MySQL Windows Installation ⌨️ (1:01:59) MySQL Mac Installation ⌨️ (1:15:49) Creating Tables ⌨️ (1:31:05) Inserting Data ⌨️ (1:38:17) Constraints ⌨️ (1:48:11) Update & Delete ⌨️ (1:56:11) Basic Queries ⌨️ (2:08:37) Company Database Intro ⌨️ (2:14:05) Creating Company Database ⌨️ (2:30:27 ) More Basic Queries ⌨️ (2:26:24) Functions ⌨️ (2:45:13) Wildcards ⌨️ (2:53:53) Union ⌨️ (3:01:36) Joins ⌨️ (3:11:49) Nested Queries ⌨️ (3:21:52) On Delete ⌨️ (3:30:05) Triggers ⌨️ (3:42:12) ER Diagrams Intro ⌨️ (3:55:53) Designing an ER Diagram ⌨️ (4:08:34) Converting ER Diagrams to Schemas Course developed by Mike Dane. Check out his YouTube channel for more great programming courses: 🐦Follow Mike on Twitter: 🔗The Giraffe Academy website: -- Learn to code for free and get a developer job: Read hundreds of articles on programming: And subscribe for new videos on technology every day:
SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners
Godot 3D: Code architecture course in a single video
Godot 3D: Code architecture course in a single video
Deep dive into best game programming practices using typed GDScript and Godot's version of Scriptable Objects. Credit to YouTube user Skid (thank you!) for compiling and labeling the following timestamps: Introduction and setup 0:00:00 Intro, assets used, scene setup and useful concepts 0:08:20 Player scene setup 0:15:00 Player script 0:18:50 Mouse look and player rotation implementation 0:23:55 Player rotation problems 0:25:50 Mouse sensitivity implementation 0:31:20 Player tilt problems and solution 0:40:40 Crosshair creation 0:50:00 Player movement Asset import in Godot 1:15:45 Asset import and scale 1:30:40 Import script (assets) 1:46:10 NPC creation Dialogue system 1:55:45 Dialog UI scene implementation 2:12:00 Dialogue data structures and godot resources 2:18:20 Dialogue script (resource) 2:33:00 Dialogue manager script + architecture tips 2:50:10 Assign an object in a script (with nodepath) in a single line 2:57:30 Assign a resource instance in a script in a single line 3:02:20 Dialogue manager script continued FoodQuiz scene 3:13:00 Foodquiz scene creation 3:28:17 Foodquiz script 3:37:39 Architecture tips about project file organization 3:38:50 Architecture tip about possible implementation of dialogue manager as singleton Signals and game events 3:44:00 GameEvents and signals explanation 3:52:50 GameEvents script 3:55:20 Signal emit in food quiz 3:56:20 Signal connect in dialogue manager 4:00:00 Pass argument to signal 4:06:30 Adding food to foodquiz scene Food interaction 4:23:36 Food script 4:29:35 Adding raycast and foodchoser script 4:43:25 Architecture tips, discussion about best pratices and why is better to use signals instead of calling functions directly 4:49:25 Signals and callbacks for food interaction 5:12:13 Adding food label to scene 5:15:35 Food label script 5:20:40 How to implement the food name and tips 5:28:08 Food rotation 5:45:08 Adding a second foodquiz GameState 5:55:20 Player not moving during dialogue and game state 5:58:35 Enums script singleton 6:04:40 Runtime data resource script for gamestate 6:09:50 Singleton vs global resource 6:16:50 Game state implementation 6:23:05 Dialogue finished signal and callback 6:33:10 Dialogue finished depending on game state Food selection in FoodQuiz 6:35:12 Creating dialogues for correct and incorrect food choosing 6:39:50 Implement food choose dialogues in foodquiz 6:45:50 Implement the correct food selection 6:54:45 Architecture tip: referencing directly the parent in this case is probably the best solution Solution to other issues 6:59:40 Dialogue issue where one dialogue can start before another one finishes 7:07:15 Break a long line with multiple ones 7:10:00 Dialogue issue where it's not clear when a dialogue end and another one starts - race conditions 7:18:30 Functions in GameEvents singleton to emit signals
Godot 3D: Code architecture course in a single video
Unreal Engine VS UNIGINE: Which Engine is Better for Environmental Design
Unreal Engine VS UNIGINE: Which Engine is Better for Environmental Design
Unreal or UNIGINE? Which engine should YOU use as an environmental artist? Let's find out! UE4 VS UNIGINE: 2 similar beasts, but which one is trully better? Unfortunately there is no straight forward answer, so before you decide on one, in this video we will discuss the most important factors that should influence your decision! ♥ Patreon: Choosing the right tool for environmental (and level) design is certainly important. It can save you a lot of time and help you achieve even better scenes. There may be other tools out there that might be better (perhaps Blender), but this is strictly a game engine comparison between Unreal Engine and UNIGINE, which, in my opinion, are the best easily-available engines for this task! Sources: Rebirth: Introducing photorealism in UE4: UNIGINE 2018 Showreel: Music used in this video: Like Saturn - Midnight Sailing Carvings - Dusty Decks When the Noise Settles - Dusty Decks All content on Nitrogen is available for free. We, as a community, support completely free education available to everyone. Any support is appreciated for me to keep making content for free and improving it. 0:00 - Introduction 0:16 - Design Features 0:20 - Design Features: Constructing a Composition 0:58 - Design Features: Landscapes and Foliage 1:43 - Design Features: Atmosphere, Clouds & Fog 2:15 - Design Features: Texturing & Particles 3:16 - Design Features: Lighting & Post Processing 3:53 - Learning Curve 4:41 - Communities 5:16 - Conclusion
Unreal Engine VS UNIGINE: Which Engine is Better for Environmental Design
Top 10 Nuclear Bomb Scenes in Movies
Top 10 Nuclear Bomb Scenes in Movies
WARNING: SPOILER ALERT.These big screen scenes will make you wanna duck and cover. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 nu...
Top 10 Nuclear Bomb Scenes in Movies
Flatten The Curve - YouTube
Flatten The Curve - YouTube
Warning- Under 107 - Fair Use Act, For Reasearch & Educational Purpose Only ! A Non-Profit Community Project Under Fair Use. When Profesionals like Pilots , Engineers, Marines , & Navy Question The Shape Of The Earth !!! #TruthFrequenciesFilms #FlattenTheCurveTheDocumentary #TruthInPlainSight #FlatEarthStuffV2 #BeaneathTheFirmament #VikkaDraziv #RobTaylor #KevinBobick #MarkHollander #BillyZigouras #EddieAlencar #BrettFreeeman #JoshuaSilva #JohnNicholson #FrancisMiller #J #AnonymousAficionado #HectorRequeña #Nezramiah #DavidJCaron #FlattenTheCurveTheDocumentary #TruthFrequenciesFilms #TruthInPLAINSight #VikkaDraziv #WorldFlatEarthAssociation #FERN-FlatEarthResearchNetwork #FlattenTheCurve #FlatEarthUnited
Flatten The Curve - YouTube
Sonido de hienas riendo - Youtube
Sonido de hienas riendo - Youtube
Efecto de sonido de hienas riendo, sin copyright para descargar gratis y usar en tus videos de You Tube.LINX DE DESCARGA... DOWNLOAD LINX:
Sonido de hienas riendo - Youtube
TOP Richest Person Comparison - Youtube
TOP Richest Person Comparison - Youtube
Who are the wealthiest people in the world? Ever wondered how much money Jeff Bezos has? Or what about Elon musk net worth? Well! Let’s take a look at some o...
TOP Richest Person Comparison - Youtube
High Dive World Record (58.8 m)
High Dive World Record (58.8 m)
... if we listened to our intellect, we'd never have a love affair. We'd never have a friendship. We'd never go into business, because we'd be cynical. Well,...
High Dive World Record (58.8 m)
Hidden World: Cymatics - YouTube
Hidden World: Cymatics - YouTube
Preview of DVD: In this 5-minute film, the second of the Hidden World series, the work of German photographer Alexander Lauterwasser is presented in the context of Cymatics, the study of vibration and its effects on form-making. A brief history of Cymatic research is presented starting with the sound-figure experiments of Ernst Chladni and Hans Jenny. Alexander Lauterwasser is shown continuing the research that Chladni and Jenny began with his custom-built equipment that enables him to produce beautiful geometric patterns in substances ranging from sand to water. The connection of sound to organic patterns in nature and the philosophical implications are also addressed. This footage is not in the public domain.
Hidden World: Cymatics - YouTube
Seriously Mad Vocal Experiment - Cymatics - YouTube
Seriously Mad Vocal Experiment - Cymatics - YouTube
DrumDoodling - Using sound resonance of the voice to produce amazing shapes on an Irish Bodhran drum. Are these voice resonance, Knights of Templar Rosslyn Chapel, alien communications or just a bit of craic? Real, all the same.
Seriously Mad Vocal Experiment - Cymatics - YouTube
Amazing Resonance Experiment! - YouTube
Amazing Resonance Experiment! - YouTube
Music: Dark Wave - Add me on Facebook - (click LIKE on Facebook to add me) The song in the video is my latest song. You can find it on iTunes or Amazon. Song name: Dark Wave All of the equipment for this experiment was provided by PASCO scientific Leave a comment letting me know what your favorite pattern is. My favorite is 5284 hz (at 3:08). So this experiment is the Chladni plate experiment. I used a tone generator, a wave driver (speaker) and a metal plate attached to the speaker. First add sand to the plate then begin playing a tone. Certain frequencies vibrate the metal plate in such a way that it creates areas where there is no vibration. The sand "falls" into those areas, creating beautiful geometric patterns. As the frequency increases in pitch the patterns become more complex. Unedited version with tone throughout entire video:
Amazing Resonance Experiment! - YouTube
Sound Frequencies in Water: A=440 Hz vs. A=432 Hz - YouTube
Sound Frequencies in Water: A=440 Hz vs. A=432 Hz - YouTube
This video is a cymatic version of Sound Frequencies in Water: A=440 Hz vs. A=432 Hz. It has been said that music tuned in A=432 Hz is more beautiful and harmonious to the ears and induces a more inward experience where music tuned in A=440 Hz is more outward, mental experience which is projected outwards. I am sure you have already seeing the following still photos of how the A=440 Hz vs A=432 Hz looks like. They have been circulating the net for some time. Well I thought it will be cool to generate them using my cymatoscope…and so I did…in real time! It is said that “a picture is worth a thousand words”...well I would add that "a video is a perfect shot of reality..." Conclusion: Don't let yourself be fooled by images you have been shown on the net. Investigate the truth yourself! This is how the A=440 Hz vs. A=432 Hz patterns look like in real time! There is also a sample what happens when both notes are played together.
Sound Frequencies in Water: A=440 Hz vs. A=432 Hz - YouTube
CYMATICS: Science Vs. Music - Nigel Stanford - YouTube
CYMATICS: Science Vs. Music - Nigel Stanford - YouTube
► NEW VIDEO Automatica: ► Album, Apple Music, CDs & 4k Video: ► Spotify: Download in 4k / HD. All of the science experiments in the video are real. Watch behind the scenes and see how it was made. ►Facebook: ►Instagram: ►Twitter: Cymatics features audio visualized by science experiments - including the Chaldni Plate, Ruben's Tube, Tesla Coil and Ferro Fluid.
CYMATICS: Science Vs. Music - Nigel Stanford - YouTube
Cymatics: Hose Pipe Water Experiment - YouTube
Cymatics: Hose Pipe Water Experiment - YouTube
Watch 'Cymatics' and more behind the scenes here: This water experiment shows what happens when the frame rate of a camera matches the frequency of a speaker, and what happens to the water coming out of an attached hose. ► NEW VIDEO Automatica: ► Spotify: ► Facebook: ► Instagram: ► Twitter:
Cymatics: Hose Pipe Water Experiment - YouTube
Cymatics: Ferrofluid - YouTube
Cymatics: Ferrofluid - YouTube
Watch 'Cymatics' and more behind the scenes here: Ferro fluid is a magnetic liquid, that is attracted to magnetic fields such as the electro magnets in the video 'Cymatics' ► NEW VIDEO Automatica: ► Spotify: ► Facebook: ► Instagram: ► Twitter:
Cymatics: Ferrofluid - YouTube
Cymatics: Speaker Dish - YouTube
Cymatics: Speaker Dish - YouTube
Behind the scenes of the music video 'Cymatics' ► NEW VIDEO Automatica: ► Spotify: ►Facebook: ►Instagram: ►Twitter:
Cymatics: Speaker Dish - YouTube
Cymatics / Cimatica - Experiment 8 (432 Hz) - YouTube
Cymatics / Cimatica - Experiment 8 (432 Hz) - YouTube
Esperimento di Cimatica eseguito solo con acqua e suono. Intonazione LA=432 Hz Battiti Binaurali 8 Hz 72 Bpm Cymatics Experiment conducted only with water and sound. Pitch A=432 Hz Binaural Beats 8 Hz 72 Bpm If the video you liked subscribe to the channel! #Cymatics #432hz #Visiblesound Support my work by donating with: Website - Facebook - Instagram -
Cymatics / Cimatica - Experiment 8 (432 Hz) - YouTube
CymaScope video projected in Trinity Episcopal Cathedral - YouTube
CymaScope video projected in Trinity Episcopal Cathedral - YouTube
When Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, in Portland, Oregon, decided to sponsor an art installation they chose a collaborative design by artist, Shelley Socolofsky and John Stuart Reid of The theme set by the cathedral was that the piece should connect light and dark and be a "new and experimental art form and media that cannot be hung on walls nor placed on pedestals”. Using this brief Socolofsky and Reid came up with a design titled “Cauldron", featuring a six foot diameter circular pond of white color-dyed water, onto which a video projector would fire CymaScope imagery relevant to the cathedral. After the installation opened to the public Shelley Socolofsky commented, “The Cauldron installation was a huge success and the crowd was mesmerised and fascinated by the CymaScope imagery reflected off water. People came to see it in their droves.” John Stuart Reid commented, “The Trinity art installation project represents the first ever cymatics-based art installation in a cathedral, to our knowledge. It was a real thrill to see the imagery of the marvellous Pilgrims’ Hymn and Toccata and Fugue come alive for the first time in the CymaScope laboratory. James Stuart Reid did wonderful work in constructing and editing the various elements in post production. We hope this will be the first of many MusicMadeVisible videos designed for sacred spaces in the future."
CymaScope video projected in Trinity Episcopal Cathedral - YouTube