Download Unix Desktop Environment Project (UDE) for free. The UDE-Project is creating a new Desktop Environment for X11. The entirely original look & feel is mainly optimized for efficient shell usage (as for programming, sysadministration etc).
Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors. :v: :tada: - Alexays/Waybar: Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors.
Darken window titlebars based on your preference. Made for elementary OS and GNOME. - GitHub - bluesabre/darkbar: Darken window titlebars based on your preference. Made for elementary OS and GNOME.
The cinnamon-desktop library (and common settings schemas for the cinnamon desktop) - GitHub - linuxmint/cinnamon-desktop: The cinnamon-desktop library (and common settings schemas for the cinnamon...