Earth recording

GoFast Rocket Proves the Earth is Round?! - YouTube
GoFast Rocket Proves the Earth is Round?! - YouTube
GoFast 2014 Space Launch Team The GoFast 2014 rocket officially set a new world record on July 14, 2014 at 7:32am as the highest and fastest amateur rocket ever launched into space. Analysis of the data from the recovered military grade Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) that flew onboard shows that the GoFast rocket reached 385,800 feet above mean sea level (73.1 miles) and hit a top speed of 3,580 miles per hour. The old record held by the CSXT’s GoFast 2004 rocket was 72 miles with a top speed of 3,420 mph. The GoFast 2014 IMU had flown successfully on four commercial space missions at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) in New Mexico and was calibrated using C-Band transponder US Army radar tracking data prior to its flight into space on the GoFast rocket July 14, 2014. Statistical analysis of the WSMR flights and the GoFast 2014 launch verifies the 73.1 miles attained by the GoFast rocket has a variation of 0.6 miles with a confidence level of 95%. Congratulations to everyone for a job well done! Thank you so much for everyone’s participation and endless hours making this launch a success. GoFast 2014 list of accomplishments; • World record highest altitude rocket launch • World record fastest speed rocket launch • First photo taken from space onboard an amateur rocket • Second amateur rocket in history to reach space
GoFast Rocket Proves the Earth is Round?! - YouTube
Everest Flight in 2 Minutes - YouTube
Everest Flight in 2 Minutes - YouTube
The flight from Kathmandu, along the mighty Himalayas, to the Everest (or Mahalangur) Range. I never expected this video would blow up as it has. I was 16 at the time and shot it on an iPhone and edited it with iMovie (also on the phone). So no, it is not a great video and not something I would make now. Thanks for watching. A word for YouTube users - this isn't TV, this isn't the movies. You didn't pay for this and the people who make videos like me aren't professionals. We're just random people who decided to make a video one day. Consider that. Correction 1: Peak displayed as "Kongde Ri" is in fact Likhu Chuli (6,719m). Correction 2: For the pedantic few, Everest is not the "tallest mountain" in the world, if you consider tallest to mean above its surrounds. That would probably be Kilimanjaro, or Denali, or maybe Nanga Parbat. It's the "highest," if you will. This being said, it is not strictly incorrect to say "tallest,” as it is a measure of relative height and could relate to sea level or any other elevation one chooses. If measuring from sea level, it is the tallest. Music: "The Ocean" by Splitter.
Everest Flight in 2 Minutes - YouTube
High Altitude Balloon Flight - Over 117K Feet - YouTube
High Altitude Balloon Flight - Over 117K Feet - YouTube
This video shows the flight of a high-altitude balloon that I helped launched in Sept 2017 for the Astronuts Kids Club in Newmarket Ontario. The balloon was launched from Goderich Ontario and reached a peak altitude between 117K and 118K feet. The payload was composed of a MT-1000 APRS transceiver from Byonics as the primary tracker and a SPOT Gen3 satellite locator as the backup tracker. It also included primary and secondary HD cameras mounted at right angles. The purpose of the flight was to carry kid’s DNA samples to the edge of space. The balloon landed in Lake Eric and was retrieved by local boater that volunteered to recover to payload. APRS data from:!mt=roadmap&z=11&call=a%2FVA3FBB-10&timerange=10800&tail=10800 Astronuts Kids Club
High Altitude Balloon Flight - Over 117K Feet - YouTube
High Altitude Balloon in 1080 HD, 120,000 ft - YouTube
High Altitude Balloon in 1080 HD, 120,000 ft - YouTube
My family worked on this project for over 7 weeks. We included 2 1080p HD cameras, a 720p HD camera, a SPOT GPS tracker, a 10000 mAH battery extender, and a temperature data logger. We launched in the Texas panhandle and the prediction was pretty close. With temperature data and timed flight, we are confident we achieved 110,000 ft. (21 miles) above earth! Look for my other videos of this project! Thanks for watching and please like this video and share it with your friends!
High Altitude Balloon in 1080 HD, 120,000 ft - YouTube
Space Balloon Firenze - YouTube
Space Balloon Firenze - YouTube
Luglio 2013. Antella, Firenze. Quattro ragazzi vogliono fare delle riprese dalla stratosfera, si armano di telecamera, pallone aerostatico, paracadute e bombola di elio. Lavorano per qualche mese al progetto e si danno appuntamento all'alba. In primo piano giglio rosso su sfondo bianco e si parte! Il risultato è una serie di inquadrature mozzafiato, il pallone sale fino a 32000 metri e porta il simbolo di Firenze nel bel mezzo della stratosfera. Poi lo scoppio del pallone e l'atterraggio nei pressi di Cortona (AR). Dotati di rilevatore GPS, si fanno una scampagnata nei boschi aretini dove viene recuperato tutto il materiale in perfette condizioni. Firenze è arrivata nella stratosfera, che spettacolo! July, 2013. Antella, Florence. Four guys want to take some pictures from the stratosphere. Equipped with a camera, a sounding balloon, a parachute and a helium tank, they work to the project for some months. Close-up of the Florentine red lily and they are ready to launch. The result is a breath-taking video, the balloon rises up to 32000 m and brings the flag of Florence in the stratosphere. Then the balloon bursts and lands close to Cortona (AR): with a GPS tracker they find the stuff in perfect conditions. Florence has reached the stratosphere, what a show!
Space Balloon Firenze - YouTube
High Altitude Balloon 18 (Infrared Camera) - YouTube
High Altitude Balloon 18 (Infrared Camera) - YouTube
This is the video recorded by the camera with the 1000nm infrared filter and a 7.2mm lens. The comparison video was shot with a camera placed next to it in the capsule. That camera had a 5.4mm lens. The infrared camera has a tighter shot than the comparison camera. The Launch took place in Santa Nella, Ca. on 10 Nov. 2018 at 6:55am. Landed in mountains Northeast of Idria, Ca. There were fires burning in California at the time of the launch and all of central California was covered in thick smoke. The smoke obstructed the view of the cameras. I will redo this experiment and use two cameras with lenses that have the same focal length. Both cameras will have infrared filters, one with a 950nm, and the other with a 1000nm. I might install a third camera without filter for a comparison shot.
High Altitude Balloon 18 (Infrared Camera) - YouTube
Near Space Tuusula - max altitude 28.9km - Director's Cut - YouTube
Near Space Tuusula - max altitude 28.9km - Director's Cut - YouTube
Near Space Balloon with youngest astronauts ever #nearspacetuusula Finnish Dad Sends 'Youngest Astronauts Ever' On A Space Odyssey Goal: Give my kids and my friends kids a lifetime memory and send them on a trip to space. At max altitude (5min 23s): The whole flight took 2 hours and 47 minutes. At altitude 28900 meters the balloon bursted. At ground level the diameter of the balloon was 2 meters and just before the burst it was 6 meters. We used three different GPS-locators, two with GPRS and one with satellite transmission, to track the the balloon. After the burst the parachute opened after few kilometers of free fall and took the packet safely to ground. This is "Director's Cut" and it is about 11 minutes long, if you want something shorter, please check the shorter version below. This version includes more information of the project including the used equipment, more views from different heights, superb sound track from Rationalizer and more video before the liftoff. Shorter version: This was supposed to be christmas present for my godsons, but it was ready a bit late. More information and pictures can be found from project website: Soundtrack from Rationalizer: Please feel free to share and comment! - Tero Tähtinen
Near Space Tuusula - max altitude 28.9km - Director's Cut - YouTube
Globo toca el Domo Firmamento de la Tierra Plana a 34 KM? - YouTube
Globo toca el Domo Firmamento de la Tierra Plana a 34 KM? - YouTube
💵💰Cómo hacer Dinero en YouTube y ser Libre: 💰💵 Si esto es verdad, significa que el domo firmamento que cubre la tierra plana tiene varios niveles? A lo mejor nadie fue capaz de ir más arriba de 34 kilometros? La unica comunicacion posible es a través de portales al estilo star gate? Que llevan a otros mundos? Impresionante! SUSCRIBETE: ⛔ Patrocina a Libertalya en Patreon: ⛔ 📚 Mi libro PDF: La Verdad sobre el Cáncer - 📚 📚 Mi libro PDF: Paleo Vida – verdad suprema de la nutrición - 📚 ☕ Invitame a un café: ☕ 👍 Apoya a Libertalya con PayPal: 👍 👍Facebook: 👍 Apóyame con BITCOIN: 12rDec1xTzTfiTV3FVSm8DPGRY2Wcsb7A6 ❤❤❤ "Si me insultas, serás borrado/a de la existencia de mi canal" --- lo ASEGURO! ❤❤❤ ►Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas Artículo 19 💪Todo individuo tiene derecho a la libertad de opinión y de expresión; este derecho incluye el de no ser molestado a causa de sus opiniones, el de investigar y recibir informaciones y opiniones, y el de difundirlas, por cualquier medio de expresión.💪 👽No estoy aquí para despertar a aquellos que quieren seguir dormidos. Estoy aquí para aquellos que no son conscientes de que están durmiendo. Pues la población en general no sabe lo que está ocurriendo, y ni siquiera sabe, que no sabe. ►© "Copyright Disclaimer, Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."© ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ░░░░░░░░░ LIBERTAD DE EXPRESIÓN ░░░░░░░░░ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #tierraplana #domotierraplana #libertalya
Globo toca el Domo Firmamento de la Tierra Plana a 34 KM? - YouTube
High Altitude Balloon 3 (Camera H4) - YouTube
High Altitude Balloon 3 (Camera H4) - YouTube
This is my third launch of a High Altitude Balloon. It was Launch from Santa Nella, Ca. on June 21, 2016 at 3:24 am. It landed in Ceres, Ca. at about 6:31 am. Maximum Altitude was 114,995.1 feet. First slight of sun light came at about 04:00 am at a altitude of 35,224.1 feet, while the sun was centered over north Africa. That would be a lot of curvature. This is the first of three videos I recorded on this balloon I will upload the next video when it is encoded. This recording was done with a Go Pro Hero 4 Black with a 5.4mm lens. Oh yea The stars are very faint and hard to see view in full HD if you can, and look for little flashes of light I was able to catch them all the way up. I've been asked what I used to make the videos, here is a list of the major items Go Pro Hero 3 silver, Go Pro Hero 4 black, Sony HDR-AS15, 4.35 mm lens, 5.4mm lens, two backup batteries, Data recorder, GPS tracker, Aviditi 214C Insulated Shipping Containers, 7 foot parachute, audible beacon for rockets, two ball bearing swivels, paracord, Hwoyee 2000g balloon, balloon helium 300 cylinder, and for my last launch, radar reflector,and 4 warning lights, software, windows movie maker, magix video pro premium 2015, Microsoft windows 7 and ASTRA High Altitude Balloon Flight Planner. It will cost about $2200 to get started.
High Altitude Balloon 3 (Camera H4) - YouTube
High Altitude Balloon 18 - YouTube
High Altitude Balloon 18 - YouTube
Date of Launch 10 November 2018 Max Altitude 114709 Feet Launch Location Santa Nella, Ca. Landing Site about 20 miles NE of Idria, Ca. 4 Cameras onboard: 1 GoPro Hero 3 Silver with 4.35mm Lens (Top View) 1 GoPro Hero 4 Black with 4.35mm Lens (Rocket View) 1 GoPro Hero 4 Black with 7.2mm Lens (Infrared View) 1 GoPro Hero 4 Black with 5.4mm Lens (Comparison View For IR Camera) Tracking: 1 Spot Tracker 1 Tracksoar Radio Tracker Data Logger: Z Log 7 (Hexpert Systems) Rocket Motor: A3-4T Note: No outside temperature recorded on this flight. I purchase new temperature sensor and will include it on next flight. Good Neighbor: Owner of Panoche Inn Name is Sam.
High Altitude Balloon 18 - YouTube
High Altitude Balloon 24 (I_See_Stars!) - YouTube
High Altitude Balloon 24 (I_See_Stars!) - YouTube
This was the second flight with the new camera Sony A7s II. Also on board was a Go Pro Hero 4 Black. The hero 4 was used to gauge the performance of the Sony. The Sony camera setting were as follows: F stop (auto most of the flight was F1.8), Focus (manual too infinity), ISO 102400, Lens Sony FE 50mm F1.8 The GoPro Hero 4 Black had a fix focus 5.4mm lens F stop F2.8 ISO was 6400. The flight was launched from a field South of Dos Palos, Ca. on 24 July 2019 at about 02:42am PDT, and Landed in a Almond grove south of Patterson, Ca. I haven't had time to analyze video yet, but while viewing through the footage I notice something interesting. When the sun got close to stars it seemed to switch them off. It seemed as though the energy from the sun effected the light from the stars even when the stars were still in darkness. I will do a complete analysis of this video and upload my results on my next video.
High Altitude Balloon 24 (I_See_Stars!) - YouTube
Sunrise high altitude balloon to the edge of space over Texas - YouTube
Sunrise high altitude balloon to the edge of space over Texas - YouTube
Following our last trip to the edge of space, we decided to go back, flying experiments from the Boys and Girls Club. We also launched at sunrise, capturing beautiful video of the sun rising over Galveston Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. This launch was in support of the Museum of the Coastal Bend's Above Texas Skies space exhibit.
Sunrise high altitude balloon to the edge of space over Texas - YouTube
High Altitude Balloon 7 (Gopro Hero 3 & 4 Cameras) - YouTube
High Altitude Balloon 7 (Gopro Hero 3 & 4 Cameras) - YouTube
This is the Jan. 30, 2017 launch from Los Banos, Ca. The cameras used were Go Pro Hero 3 Silver (Top-view) and Go Pro Hero 4 Black (Side-view). The Cameras were located inside the payload bay close too the mp3 player and recorded sound experiment for the entire trip. I want to make this channel a place where people can express there views on the topics I put out but, after reviewing some of the comments on my channel and seeing the name calling and cursing I have decided to block derogatory language, so keep it PG 13 and treat each other with respect. Thanks for keeping your comments respectful. Dwayne Samuel Kellum
High Altitude Balloon 7 (Gopro Hero 3 & 4 Cameras) - YouTube
Project Roar - High Altitude Balloon Flight - Nearspace - YouTube
Project Roar - High Altitude Balloon Flight - Nearspace - YouTube
Hi guys, normally i post cooking videos, but i have been pretty busy in the last few weeks getting this project done and dusted. My brother and I launched a helium filled weather balloon to an altitude of 31.88km. It battled -34 degree temperatures and 90km/h winds, all while taking a pictures on a time lapse and some video. For more photos and information on the whole project, visit : Ill get back on track with some more cooking videos shortly!
Project Roar - High Altitude Balloon Flight - Nearspace - YouTube
2014 Student Rocket Launch - YouTube
2014 Student Rocket Launch - YouTube
On July 26, 2014, three high-power sport rockets built and refurbished by interns at United Launch Alliance launched 18 payloads built by interns from Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp interns and K-12 students from Colorado, Ohio and Alabama. Over an eight-week period, working on their own time, the ULA and Ball Aerospace interns design, build and test the rockets and the payloads (onboard instruments/experiments that are deployed after launch) with the guidance of mentors from both companies. The 25-foot-tall Future rocket is the tallest to launch from Colorado.
2014 Student Rocket Launch - YouTube
AURA High Altitude Balloon - YouTube
AURA High Altitude Balloon - YouTube
High altitude balloon flight over uk - shot with GoPro with telemetry data overlay using Dashware. The balloon didn't shred well and it became entangled with parachute. A clear day and at the top of flight the coastline of the entire of southern England is visible, due to impact still camera photos replace the final few seconds at the end of the video. Key times: Balloon burst at 15:00, Jet fly by at 19:44, Balloon entangled at 24:40, horses at the end! (Be sure to select HD, Divide by 10 to get correct LON)
AURA High Altitude Balloon - YouTube
Lanzamiento de la Sonda Stratosferica ArFlat 2 - YouTube
Lanzamiento de la Sonda Stratosferica ArFlat 2 - YouTube
MAS INFORMACION EN: Si queres y podes colaborar hacelo via: •PATREON: •PAYPAL: •MERCADO PAGO: -------------------------------------- INFORMACION GENERAL: ------------------------------------------ ✔Canal Principal: ✔Canal En LBRY.TV: ✔Canal En Ingles: ✉EMAIL: •WEBSITE: •FACEBOOK: •INSTAGRAM: •TEESPRING: •TWITTER: •PATREON: •MERCADO PAGO: ----------------------------------------------------------
Lanzamiento de la Sonda Stratosferica ArFlat 2 - YouTube
Starduster - High Altitude Balloon - GoPro Hero3 - YouTube
Starduster - High Altitude Balloon - GoPro Hero3 - YouTube - 'Out' - Side facing camera 'Down' - Down facing camera - External launch camera - Launch - Gatesville TX || Recovery - Streetman TX Max altitude - 104,000'
Starduster - High Altitude Balloon - GoPro Hero3 - YouTube
Tropical Sky Time-lapse - YouTube
Tropical Sky Time-lapse - YouTube
Various time-lapse videos taken in different places, almost all on Oahu. Used the magic lantern intervalometer (it's amazing), and shot in all raw images. Be sure to watch in HD and enjoy!
Tropical Sky Time-lapse - YouTube
AZHAL-1 HAB (High-Altitude-Balloon) Launch for the GSBC - YouTube
AZHAL-1 HAB (High-Altitude-Balloon) Launch for the GSBC - YouTube
AZHAL-1 HAB (High-Altitude-Balloon) Launch for the GSBC (Global Space Balloon Challenge) -- Apr 19, 2014, reaching 93,000 feet. This was our fourth launch. Find out more at CAUTION: typo at 5:30: says "17 minutes: 52,000 feet" -- should say "60 minutes." It was actually 1700 MST, but it was late, and I was tired. Bummer, but if I re-gen it now, I think this link will break, so I plan to leave it for the time being.
AZHAL-1 HAB (High-Altitude-Balloon) Launch for the GSBC - YouTube
🌋 Parque Nacional del Teide (a vista de dron) - YouTube
🌋 Parque Nacional del Teide (a vista de dron) - YouTube
Vídeo realizado gracias a la colaboración entre el Parque Nacional del Teide y Dron Service Canarias (c) 2020 Es el mayor y más antiguo de los Parques canarios. Su extraordinario paisaje es un monumento geológico de los más espectaculares del mundo, en el que los conos volcánicos y las coladas de lava forman un extraordinario conjunto de colores y formas. No se puede olvidar su gran riqueza biológica, el extraordinario alto porcentaje de especies vegetales endémicas y la importancia en cuanto a número y exclusividad de su fauna invertebrada. El Parque Nacional del Teide tiene implantado con carácter voluntario desde el año 2002 un Sistema de Gestión Ambiental basado en la Norma UNE-EN ISO 14001 y el Reglamento (CE) Nº 1221/2009 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 25 de noviembre de 2009, relativo a la participación voluntaria de organizaciones en un sistema comunitario de gestión y auditoría medioambientales (EMAS). El ámbito de aplicación del Sistema de Gestión Ambiental se circunscribe a las actividades de conservación y gestión del Parque Nacional. El objeto del Sistema de Gestión Ambiental es mejorar el comportamiento ambiental, a fin de garantizar que las actividades y servicios que la Administración desarrolla, se realicen acordes con la preservación y conservación de los sistemas y recursos del Parque Nacional, en un proceso sistemático y cíclico de mejora continua. Es el primer espacio natural protegido español que consigue, con fecha 8 de noviembre de 2005 y número de registro GA-2005/0469, el Certificado de Gestión Ambiental. La Dirección General de Calidad Ambiental del Gobierno de Canarias, mediante Resolución de 27 de febrero de 2006, inscribe al Parque Nacional en el registro de organizaciones adheridas al Sistema Comunitario de Gestión y Auditoria Ambientales (EMAS), con número ES.IC.000041, inscripción que se ha renovado sucesivamente. Con el fin de propiciar la participación del público, se presentan la Política Ambiental del Parque Nacional, la Declaración Ambiental anual correspondiente al periodo de años 2007-2015 y folletos de buenas prácticas ambientales destinados a visitantes, usuarios y trabajadores. Asimismo, se incluyen en esta página los certificados del Sistema de Gestión Ambiental.
🌋 Parque Nacional del Teide (a vista de dron) - YouTube
ARFLATv2 - Timelapse FOV 170° - YouTube
ARFLATv2 - Timelapse FOV 170° - YouTube
Visualización del timelapse (fotos cada 30") de la videocámara Gopro Hero 5 Session FOV 170° desde ARFLATv2 lanzado desde Ing. Jacobacci - Rio Negro - Republica Argentina, el 14 de diciembre de 2020 a las 12:03 hora local.
ARFLATv2 - Timelapse FOV 170° - YouTube