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Long COVID: Major Findings, Mechanisms and RecommendationsLong Covid#Long Covid··Jan 16, 2023Long COVID: Major Findings, Mechanisms and Recommendations
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Fed chair Powell on the U.S. labor shortage: COVID, retirements, missing immigrantsCovid & The Economy··Jan 16, 2023Fed chair Powell on the U.S. labor shortage: COVID, retirements, missing immigrants
Profound immune escape by SARS-CoV-2 XBB.1 even after 4 vaccine dosesAbout XBB.1.5··Jan 16, 2023Profound immune escape by SARS-CoV-2 XBB.1 even after 4 vaccine doses
The Kraken is powering New York COVID hospitalizations to their highest level in nearly a year. Is it a sign of what’s coming for the rest of the country?About XBB.1.5··Jan 15, 2023The Kraken is powering New York COVID hospitalizations to their highest level in nearly a year. Is it a sign of what’s coming for the rest of the country?
Are Our Immune Systems Stuck in 2020?Covid & The Immune System··Jan 14, 2023Are Our Immune Systems Stuck in 2020?
Ten COVID Facts Health Officials Dangerously Downplay | The TyeeImportant Miscellaneous Studies··Jan 14, 2023Ten COVID Facts Health Officials Dangerously Downplay | The Tyee
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The doctor won’t see you now: Covid winters are making long hospital waits the new normalCovid & Healthcare··Jan 14, 2023The doctor won’t see you now: Covid winters are making long hospital waits the new normal
‘Immunity debt’ is a misguided and dangerous conceptAbout "Immunity Debt"··Jan 11, 2023‘Immunity debt’ is a misguided and dangerous concept
Opinion: We don't know what's causing the tsunami of sick kids, but we'd better figure it out fastAbout "Immunity Debt"··Jan 11, 2023Opinion: We don't know what's causing the tsunami of sick kids, but we'd better figure it out fast
Setting the record straight on the term ‘immunity debt’About "Immunity Debt"··Jan 11, 2023Setting the record straight on the term ‘immunity debt’
Are ‘Immunity Debt’ Claims After Covid-19 Precautions Accurate Or Misinformation?About "Immunity Debt"··Jan 11, 2023Are ‘Immunity Debt’ Claims After Covid-19 Precautions Accurate Or Misinformation?
Claims of an Immunity Debt in Children Owe Us EvidenceAbout "Immunity Debt"··Jan 11, 2023Claims of an Immunity Debt in Children Owe Us Evidence
A ‘tripledemic’ hitting kids across the country has some people blaming ‘immunity debt.’ But experts say that’s misguided—and even damagingAbout "Immunity Debt"··Jan 11, 2023A ‘tripledemic’ hitting kids across the country has some people blaming ‘immunity debt.’ But experts say that’s misguided—and even damaging
Don’t Blame ‘Immunity Debt’ If You Get Sick This WinterAbout "Immunity Debt"··Jan 11, 2023Don’t Blame ‘Immunity Debt’ If You Get Sick This Winter
Why using the term ‘immunity debt’ is problematic for reportersAbout "Immunity Debt"··Jan 11, 2023Why using the term ‘immunity debt’ is problematic for reporters
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health on TwitterAbout "Immunity Debt"··Jan 11, 2023Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health on Twitter
There’s no such thing as a good coldAbout "Immunity Debt"··Jan 11, 2023There’s no such thing as a good cold
Increased RSV infections are not due to “immunity debt,” but failure to protect public healthAbout "Immunity Debt"··Jan 11, 2023Increased RSV infections are not due to “immunity debt,” but failure to protect public health