Folge 9 – Fundstücke der Facilitation Rundschau von Jacob Chromy

Folge 9 – Fundstücke der Facilitation Rundschau von Jacob Chromy

"#⚗️ Asynchron"
Gedanken zu den Herausforderungen von asynchronen Meetings am Beispiel-Tool Acapela – von PeopleStorming
Gedanken zu den Herausforderungen von asynchronen Meetings am Beispiel-Tool Acapela – von PeopleStorming
t's there, however, that we find the dilemma that prompted us to meet with Acapela in the first place. You see, in synchronous communication, each participant can apply 'back pressure'. If someone can't find time with you this week, they have no choice but to try again next week. The topics can only go as fast as your mutual availability. When you move to an async model, there is no such effect. One person is free to load up other people with as many topics and conversations as they want to start. In other words, 'async meetings' can easily imply 'limitless meetings'. Tools like Acapela have the opportunity (as part of their UX) to help a little by nudging people to be judicious when creating a 'meeting'. That said, even with those nudges, teams still need to have good, scalable collaboration norms and culture to really combat this issue. This is one of the most prominent reasons we do what we do.
Gedanken zu den Herausforderungen von asynchronen Meetings am Beispiel-Tool Acapela – von PeopleStorming