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Polyphenols as active ingredients for cosmetic products - PubMed
Polyphenols as active ingredients for cosmetic products - PubMed
Polyphenols are secondary plant metabolites with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial activity. They are ubiquitously distributed in the plant kingdom; high amounts contain, for example, green tea and grape seeds. Polyphenolic extracts are attractive ingredients for cosmetics and pharma …
Polyphenols as active ingredients for cosmetic products - PubMed
Chlorinated Flavonoids Modulate the Inflammatory Process in Human Blood - PubMed
Chlorinated Flavonoids Modulate the Inflammatory Process in Human Blood - PubMed
Flavonoids are known to react with neutrophil-generated hypochlorous acid (HOCl) at inflammation loci to form stable mono- and dichlorinated products. Some of these products have been shown to retain or even enhance their inflammatory potential, but further information is required in a broader appro …
Chlorinated Flavonoids Modulate the Inflammatory Process in Human Blood - PubMed
Hypochlorous Acid: From Innate Immune Factor and Environmental Toxicant to Chemopreventive Agent Targeting Solar UV-Induced Skin Cancer
Hypochlorous Acid: From Innate Immune Factor and Environmental Toxicant to Chemopreventive Agent Targeting Solar UV-Induced Skin Cancer
A multitude of extrinsic environmental factors (referred to in their entirety as the ‘skin exposome’) impact structure and function of skin and its corresponding cellular components. The complex (i.e. additive, antagonistic, or synergistic) ...
Hypochlorous Acid: From Innate Immune Factor and Environmental Toxicant to Chemopreventive Agent Targeting Solar UV-Induced Skin Cancer
Topical administration of Tamanu Oil (Calophyllum inophyllum) inhibited the increase of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) expressions and decrease of collagen dermis amount in male wistar rats exposed to ultraviolet B
Topical administration of Tamanu Oil (Calophyllum inophyllum) inhibited the increase of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) expressions and decrease of collagen dermis amount in male wistar rats exposed to ultraviolet B
Background: UV-B irradiation is the major causative factor in photoaging. Photoaging increases MMP-1 significantly and cause damage to collagen by forming ROS. The monounsaturated free fatty acids and antioxidant compounds in Tamanu oil have been studied to inhibit the emergence of MMP-1 and maintain collagen amount. The study aimed to investigate topical Tamanu oil in inhibiting MMP-1 expressions and collagen decrease in male Wistar rats’ skin exposed to UV-B. Methods: A randomized post-test-only control group design was performed on 36 male Wistar rats, aged 2-3 months old with 180-220 grams body weight. They were assigned to two groups: the placebo group and the Tamanu oil group. Both groups were given the same amount of UV-B exposure for four weeks totalling in 840 mJ/cm2 of dosage radiation. Their dermis was examined for MMP-1 using Immunohistochemistry and collagen amount using Picro Sirius Red staining. Results: A comparative analysis was done to show the difference between groups. The mean expression of MMP-1 in the control group was 34,03±2.97 cell/HPF and the Tamanu oil group was lower at 22.73±2.68 cell/HPF. The mean amount of collagen dermis in the control group was 38.90±11.64 % and the Tamanu oil group was higher at 65.66±8.13 %. A significant difference was shown in the two groups (p Conclusion: Topical Tamanu oil has proven to hinder the increase of MMP-1 expressions and collagen amount in male Wistar rats’ skin exposed to UV-B.
Topical administration of Tamanu Oil (Calophyllum inophyllum) inhibited the increase of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) expressions and decrease of collagen dermis amount in male wistar rats exposed to ultraviolet B
Biological activity of Polynesian Calophyllum inophyllum oil extract on human skin cells
Biological activity of Polynesian Calophyllum inophyllum oil extract on human skin cells
Oil from the nuts of Calophyllum inophyllum, locally called "Tamanu oil" in French Polynesia, was traditionally used for wound healing and to cure various skin problems and ailments. The skin-active effect of "Tamanu oil emulsion" was investigated on human skin cells (keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts) and showed cell proliferation, glycosaminoglycan and collagen production, and wound healing activity. Transcriptomic analysis of the treated cells revealed gene expression modulation including genes involved in the metabolic process implied in O-glycan biosynthesis, cell adhesion, and cell proliferation. The presence of neoflavonoids as bioactive constituents in Tamanu oil emulsion may contribute to these biological activities. Altogether, consistent data related to targeted histological and cellular functions brought new highlights on the mechanisms involved in these biological processes induced by Tamanu oil effects in skin cells.
Biological activity of Polynesian Calophyllum inophyllum oil extract on human skin cells
Phospholipide | DOUGLAS
Phospholipide | DOUGLAS
Inhaltsstoffe-Lexikon: Phospholipide ❤️ Alles rund ums Thema ❤️ Produkte versandfrei ab 24,95 € ✓ Gratis-Proben ✓ Über 2.000 TOP-Marken ➽ DOUGLAS!
Phospholipide | DOUGLAS
Global Cosmetic Skin Care Market Size-Share (2022-2027) | Growing At CAGR of 7.1% | Supermarkets and Grocery Retailers Demands, Regional Overview, Sales Revenue, Business Prospect, Growth Opportunity, Challenges, and Potential Benefits
Global Cosmetic Skin Care Market Size-Share (2022-2027) | Growing At CAGR of 7.1% | Supermarkets and Grocery Retailers Demands, Regional Overview, Sales Revenue, Business Prospect, Growth Opportunity, Challenges, and Potential Benefits
Based on geography, the global Cosmetic Skin Care industry mainly concentrates on APAC, Europe, and North America (market share of about 45%, 25%, and 20%...
Global Cosmetic Skin Care Market Size-Share (2022-2027) | Growing At CAGR of 7.1% | Supermarkets and Grocery Retailers Demands, Regional Overview, Sales Revenue, Business Prospect, Growth Opportunity, Challenges, and Potential Benefits
Product Pricing: How to Set Prices For Wholesale and Retail
Product Pricing: How to Set Prices For Wholesale and Retail
Wholesale pricing is what you charge retailers who buy products in large volumes. Retail prices are what retailers set as the final selling price for consumers. Here, we’ll walk you through a few of those formulas and some steps you can take to create successful pricing strategies for your products.
Product Pricing: How to Set Prices For Wholesale and Retail
The Average Profit Margin for Wholesale
The Average Profit Margin for Wholesale
The Average Profit Margin for Wholesale. Many small businesses consider becoming wholesalers, to cut out the middleman, or specializing entirely in wholesale. Chris Malta of Worldwide Brands tells small wholesalers that profit margins in the wholesale business can vary substantially depending on the particular market ...
The Average Profit Margin for Wholesale