04: Market Revolution

04: Market Revolution

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Contionuity and Change over Time – Introduction OER Project
Contionuity and Change over Time – Introduction OER Project
Students use a one-page chart to capture contin continuity and change (positive/negative) using four pictures of farms with short text descriptions of each to compare farms from 1600s, 1700s, 1800,s and 2000s.
Contionuity and Change over Time – Introduction OER Project
Erie Canal DBQ (8th grade)
Erie Canal DBQ (8th grade)
This document based question is from the NY Regents test for 8th graders, though 4th grade students, with support could gain from analyzing the documents one at a time. The questions and answers supplied with these documents, charts, maps and paintings are within many 4th grader's ability
Erie Canal DBQ (8th grade)
[Book Review] Slavery’s Capitalism: A New History of American Economic Development
[Book Review] Slavery’s Capitalism: A New History of American Economic Development
BA quick, valuable read, for teachers convinced that slavery comprises the entire foundation of the economic growth of the United States. This critical book review illustrates the impact of language in describing the role of slavery in the US economy when compared against the numbers themselves. This does not dismiss the conclusion that slavery is central to the growth of the United States, it does show how that truth is complex
[Book Review] Slavery’s Capitalism: A New History of American Economic Development
Cherokee Phoenix Index - Cherokee Newspapers
Cherokee Phoenix Index - Cherokee Newspapers
The Cherokee Phoenix was the official newspaper of the Cherokee nation. This site offers copies of newspapers published between 1928 and 1931
Cherokee Phoenix Index - Cherokee Newspapers
The Cherokee Removal Lesson Lincoln Net
The Cherokee Removal Lesson Lincoln Net
In four groups, students read statements from Jackon's removal message, congressmen supporting, congressmen opposing and some Cherokees themselves. They then debate Cherokee Removal from these perspectives. The resources make this lesson adaptable in the classroom or in an online discussion. "Trail of Tears" lesson almost always ignore acknowledging the fact that the federal government agreed to relocate Native Americans out of Georgia as part of the agreement by which Georgia gave up western land claims to the federal government
The Cherokee Removal Lesson Lincoln Net
The Campaign of 1840: The Candidates | EDSITEment
The Campaign of 1840: The Candidates | EDSITEment
The contest between Martin Van Buren and William Henry Harrison marked the first truly modern presidential campaign, with methods today's students are sure to recognize.
The Campaign of 1840: The Candidates | EDSITEment
Was There an Industrial Revolution? New Workplace, New Technology, New Consumers | EDSITEment
Was There an Industrial Revolution? New Workplace, New Technology, New Consumers | EDSITEment
What research tools can help students judge the nature of change during the First Industrial Revolution? Can answers be found in census data? This lesson provides students with the opportunity to form, revise, and research questions for an investigation of the First Industrial Revolution, using resources available on EDSITEment-reviewed websites and links.
Was There an Industrial Revolution? New Workplace, New Technology, New Consumers | EDSITEment
Indian Removal | HTI
Indian Removal | HTI
This lesson looks at the process whereby a policy of assimilation gave way to one of overt removal under President Jackson.
Indian Removal | HTI
Lowell and the Factory System | HTI
Lowell and the Factory System | HTI
is lesson plan examines the efforts of early American manufacturers to implement the factory system on a large-scale in the town of Lowell, Massachusetts. It can be used when teaching about the economic revolution of the post-War of 1812-period or the development of industry in the Antebellum North.
Lowell and the Factory System | HTI
The Price of European Commodities in 1803
The Price of European Commodities in 1803
This lesson requires students to use period pricing lists to purchase Europeans goods, accounting for tariff duties and taxes. Can be embellished with more economic variables and their social implications
The Price of European Commodities in 1803
Indian Removal Act Journalists
Indian Removal Act Journalists
Students act as journalists reporting on the Indian Removal Act. They visit designated web sites and write factual articles about the developments. From Digital History
Indian Removal Act Journalists
Pre-Civil War American Culture: Digital History
Pre-Civil War American Culture: Digital History
Before the Civil War, American literature began to employ native scenes and characters; the Transcendentalists popularized a philosophy that emphasized each person’s potentialities and glorified nature as a creative force; and a popular commercial culture emerged, including the penny press, the minstrel show, and the western adventure novel.
Pre-Civil War American Culture: Digital History
Pre-Civil War Reform: Digital History
Pre-Civil War Reform: Digital History
This chapter examines the social, intellectual, and religious roots of early 19th century reform movements, and the efforts of reformers in the areas of education, criminal justice, the treatment of the mentally ill; and the abolitionist and women’s rights movements.
Pre-Civil War Reform: Digital History
The Roots of American Economic Growth: Digital History
The Roots of American Economic Growth: Digital History
After the War of 1812, the economy grew at rapid pace, as the nation overcame obstacles that stood in the way of sustained economic growth. Improved transportation and communication, technological innovation, the rise of the factory system, and mass immigration transformed the United States into an industrial leader.
The Roots of American Economic Growth: Digital History
The Other Civil War
The Other Civil War
from Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States"
The Other Civil War